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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Companies  >  F  >  First National Pictures, Incorporated
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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First National Pictures,
Type of Company Production and distribution company
Country of Origination United States of America
Years of Operation Formed 1924 from Associated First National Pictures, Incorporated
Active circa mid (before August) 1924 through circa 1928
Company Principals Richard A. Rowland, general manager
Company Offices unknown
Company Studios unknown

First National Pictures, Incorporated, was previously known as Associated First National Pictures, Incorporated, and was later sold to Warner Brothers.

References: FilmDaily-19251029 p. 1; FilmDaily-19251103 p. 1.

[Film Daily, 29 October 1925, page 1] Rowland Quits First National; Resignation Is Effective Saturday / Move Unexpected — Future Plans Not Known — Has Been Surveying Europe / Richard A. Rowland on Saturday steps out of First National. He has tendered his resignation as general manager in which post he has been responsible for the production policy of the organization. / Difficulties developing as a result of a mutual inability to get together on personal financial arrangements are held to be responsible for this move which comes as a distinct surprise. / Rowland’s future plans are unknown, although it is learned that he made a careful survey of foreign conditions when he was in Europe. This scrutiny of the industry abroad included production primarily but embraced distribution and exhibition as well. / Efforts to reach Rowland for a statement last night failed.

[Film Daily, 3 November 1925, page 1] ROWLAND / By DANNY [Joe Dannenberg] / To continue with First National. All of which is as it should be. And for the first time in months. The situation is definitely clarified. Rowland has done a big job for FN. No doubt of that. There arose a difference in opinion as to compensation. Now this has been settled. And Rowland continues with his production policy.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Companies  >  F  >  First National Pictures, Incorporated
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