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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Death of Minnehaha
(1910) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Independent Moving Pictures Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by Independent Moving Pictures Company, Incorporated [IMP]. / Produced by Carl Laemmle. From a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. / Released 24 February 1910. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? This beautiful story of the passing away of Hiawatha’s beloved Minnehaha comprises the winter scenes of Longfellow’s poem, “Hiawatha,” which was the first release of the “Imp” and which told how the Indian brave wooed and won the winsome maiden. It is a bitter winter. Hiawatha, Minnehaha and old Nokomis are suffering from hunger: game is scarce in the woods. They are famine-stricken. Poor Minnehaha is ill and Nokomis is trying to keep a feeble fire alive to afford a little comfort. Hiawatha, noble brave that he is, does not betray his anguish and misery, but stolidly takes up his bow and arrow and goes forth into the woods, in the hopes of finding food. Over snow-clad hill and dale, round the great mountains and by the ice-silenced waterfall he wanders, seeking even to beard the savage beast in his own den; but Nature has given her things of life impenetrable hiding places from the hardships of winter, and Hiawatha's heart is sick: “Gitche Manito, the Mighty! Give your children food, O father! Give us food, or we must perish! Give me food for Minnehaha!” It is of no avail. And even as he prays he hears the call from the tepee, where Paugok, Keeper of the Happy Hunting Grounds, is taking Minnehaha away. He hurries there, but too late, and seven days and seven nights he sits there and mourns her until at last he carries her to a spot by the river, where he buries her with his own hands. “Farewell,” said he, “my Minnehaha! Farewell, O my Laughing Water! All my heart is buried with you; Soon your footsteps I shall follow To the islands of the blessed, To land of the Hereafter.”

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 12 March 1910, page ?] The good work of the Imp players in their former scene from “Hiawatha” has been improved upon in this film, not only dramatically, but scenically and photographically. Sometimes not all the apparent errors are due to the producers. A careless operator, poor projection or a dozen other influences may combine to injure the appearance of a film on the screen, even after the producer has done his best. The dramatic possibilities of all of “Hiawatha” are great, and perhaps with the exception of “The Famine,” this one is the strongest in the poem. The players have performed their parts well. There may be touches here and there which could be strengthened, but as a whole a reasonably satisfactory production has been given. The suggestion is offered that further scenes from this same story be dramatized, making them into a connected series which will place the poem in graphic form and will make it useful for educational as well as for entertainment purposes.

Survival status: Print exists [16mm reduction positive].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 30 October 2022.

References: Website-IMDb.

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