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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Deceiver
(1909) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Centaur Film Company production; distributed by A.G. Whyte. / Produced by David Horsley. / No copyright registration. Released 25 December 1909. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World, 31 December 1909, page ?] Annie Welslie, a charming society girl, and her maiden aunt Julia are stopping at a winter resort in Florida, where they meet Jack Barton and Bill Lanison, who are pals. Both are gamblers, but honest, big-hearted and true. Jack is a handsome, dashing fellow, very manly, somewhat rough, but one of nature’s noblemen. Annie falls in love with Jack, but conceals the fact from her aunt, who is a great stickler for propriety, and Bill falls desperately in love with Aunt Julia. Lewis Waldron, who is also in love with Annie, tries to poison her mind against Jack, telling her that he is a gambler. Annie refuses to believe this; she defends Jack and dismisses Waldron, telling him she never wishes to see him again. Jack appears, offers Waldron his hand, which is refused. Waldron leaves vowing vengeance. Jack declares his love for Annie, and in spite of her aunt’s objections, is accepted. Bill, his pal, taking courage from Jack’s success, tries his hand at love-making, but is a dismal failure; however, he does not despair, and concludes to try again. Seven years elapse. We find Jack and Annie happily married and living on a ranch in Colorado. A little daughter (Irma) has been born to them, who is the pride of Jack’s heart. Aunt Julia visits them, and Bill, who has been a true pal to Jack, sharing his fortune in the West, again meets her and renews his love-making in his earnest and ridiculous fashion, and this time with more success, as Aunt Julia accepts him on condition that he renounce gambling, which he does. Waldron, under the guise of a friend and brother, has also followed them West. Jack has implicit confidence and trust in his false friend, and being called away to Texas on business, leaves his wife and baby under Waldron's protection. After an affecting scene. Jack takes his departure, but in his grief leaves his traveling bag behind. No sooner has Jack gone than Waldron proceeds to poison Annie’s mind against Jack, telling her that there is another woman, and Jack has gone to Texas to open a gambling house. He convinces her of this by false proofs. In her desperation she decides to leave him and return with her aunt and Waldron, whom she regards only as a brother. During this scene Jack returns for his bag. He overhears the conversation and learns of Waldron’s treachery. As they are about to depart, Jack intercepts them. Here follows a thrilling scene in which Jack attempts to kill Waldron. Annie stops him and pleads for Waldron’s life. Jack permits Waldron to go unharmed, but tells Annie they can no longer live together. At this point Irma, their little daughter, in her baby way tries to reconcile them. Jack demands that the child choose between mother and father. The child attempts to join their hands. The father relents and decides to go away and leave the child with its mother, giving Annie, his wife, the house and all it contains. While he is in another part of the house looking for the deeds, Waldron returns to take Annie away. She sees her error and tells him to leave the house. He attempts to embrace her, when she picks up the revolver Jack has left on the table. She levels it at him and commands him to go. He does so. Jack in the meantime has returned and witnessed this scene, unseen by them. He goes to Annie, who is sobbing, and he begs her forgiveness. As he takes her lovingly in his arms, Irma kneels before them in an attitude of prayer.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 8 January 1910, page 17] A picture of Western life, comprising gamblers and other types, lovemaking, marriage, a jealous deceiver who succeeds in causing trouble between husband and wife, but whose designs are frustrated, and a reconciliation is brought about by a little girl, who looks as though she might have dropped from the skies especially for the purpose. While the film is full of action and is strong in its main features, the child wins the sympathy of the audience, and as she kneels after bringing her father and mother together, the scene actually brought tears to the eyes of many. The photography could be improved in places, but the excellence of the acting in a degree compensates for whatever loss may exist in this direction.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 23 January 2025.

References: MovPicWorld-19100108 p. 17 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

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