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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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A Desperate Character
(1908) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: William Kolle

Crescent Film Company production. / Released 28 October 1908. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The last Crescent production.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Our story opens in a neat but humble home of orphaned children, in poor circumstances. The eldest, but 14 years of age, is a newsgirl, taking this strenuous occupation to support herself and two younger sisters. She is about kissing her sisters good-bye for her daily duties, when she is intercepted by her drunken brother, who is a brutal, good-for-nothing tough. He at once demands her money from her, which she refuses to give him. She pushes him from her and leaves the house. Street corner. The little mother is seen selling her papers, when a well-dressed, feeble old banker approaches, and seeing the pathetic condition of the newsgirl, he questions her and learns her sad story. He is about to present her some money, when the tough (her brother) appears upon the scene, and before he can be prevented, in his desire to secure money, he fells the feeble old banker with a sandbag, and is about to rifle his pockets, when his sister springs upon him. Herein is shown a fight most fierce and fast between brother and sister, the one to rob the banker, the other to prevent him from doing so. The brutal tough strikes his sister and fells her to the ground unconscious, just as police rush upon the scene and give chase after the brutal tough. The unconscious man and girl are taken to the home of the banker. The chase of tough by police is hair-raising and exciting, numerous shots being fired in the attempt to capture him. One scene especially of this chase is most beautiful and exciting. The tough is seen crawling over a limb of a tree in order to reach the other side of a stream of water. The police are close behind. When he is about to be captured he shoots down the foremost policeman, who drops from the limb of the tree into the water and sinks. Tough returns to his home and barricades the door to elude capture. The police, after breaking down door, rush in, and after a fierce struggle capture tough and drag him to prison. Prison scene, showing tough behind bars. At a critical moment when jail-keeper’s attention is attracted elsewhere, the tough, realizing his opportunity, fells him with a prison stool and makes his escape just as two wardens appear upon the scene. They immediately give chase. Over the prison wall, through a stream of water and down amongst rocks at a mad pace. The foremost warden is very close behind tough, fires a shot at him. Tough loses his balance and crashes down the incline. He is seen at the bottom of incline, badly hurt and unable to rise. Wardens are seen climbing down amongst the rocks to capture prisoner. Prisoner tries to stagger to his feet, but death which is overtaking the criminal is fast stealing upon him. He expires in one of the warden’s arms. Beautiful scenery, exceptional photography, and elaborately toned throughout.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 11 November 2022.

References: Balshofer-OneReel p. ? : Website-IMDb.

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