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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Dr. Nicola II
Also known as How Dr. Nicola Procured the Chinese Cane in the USA
(1909) Denmark
B&W : Short film
Directed by Viggo Larsen

Cast: August Blom [Doctor Nicola]

Nordisk Films Kompagni production; distributed by Nordisk Films Kompagni. / Produced by Ole Olsen. Cinematography by Axel Sørensen (Axel Graatkjær). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA as How Dr. Nicola Procured the Chinese Cane (at [?] 970 or 989? feet) by Great Northern Film Company on 18 September 1909.

Drama: Crime.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Three such Chinese canes exist, and under normal circumstances the three elders in the Lama monastery are in charge of these insignias, through which they can obtain the knowledge of the secrets of life and death. One of the elders is dead, a substitute must be elected, and a wise and pious high priest is chosen. The cane is sent to him as indication of his new dignity but is lost on the road; white hands get hold of it, and after a good many adventures it is by the beginning of this story in a sailor’s possession, whose name is China Peat. China Peat is going to die. He stays in an old dilapidated building in Whitechapel. He sends for his solicitor, Mr. Wilrey, who once saved his life. In return China Peat now offers him the Chinese cane. Mr. Wilrey does not pay much attention to his stories about the enormous power and value of the cane, but he takes it and keeps it as a curiosity. As soon as China Peal has closed his eyes Dr. Nicola appears, he wants the cane and has already spent a fortune in looking for it. Nor does Dr. Nicola now lose his courage, but the next day he pays a visit to Mr. Wilrey, offering him a considerable sum of money for the cane. But Mr. Wilrey is in no need of money and does not want to sell the cane. However, the doctor will not give up his scheme and tells Mr. Wilrey that he will possess himself of it by fair means or foul. Assisted by two clever but unscrupulous helpers, Dr. Nicola one evening carries off Mr. Wilrey’s daughter from a ball. She is taken out on board Dr. Nicola’s ship, and the father is in a letter advised to send the cane and a sum of money down to the jetty; if not, the young lady will never back again. The old gentleman is in despair and consults with his daughter’s sweetheart. The young man summons the police, and as soon as Dr. Nicola learns this Mr. Wilrey receives another letter informing him that his daughter has now been carried off and that he may advertise in the Sidney Gazette later on, if he should wish to come to terms. An investigation gives Mr. Wilrey reason to believe that his daughter has been taken to a small island in the Southern Ocean. An expedition is equipped and the pursuit begins. The island is found, hut Mr. Wilrey, who is not so quick as his helpers, is separated from them and two men overpower him and take him prisoner. He is blindfolded and brought before Dr. Nicola, who quietly with an ironical smile takes the Chinese cane from his basket and then politely takes leave of the astonished gentleman. The rest of the members of the expedition have in the meantime succeeded in releasing Miss Wilrey. As they are all ready to go on board Mr. Wilrey is missing. At last they find him in the forest tied to a tree. Father and daughter are now once more united, and the circumstance that Dr. Nicola got hold of the Chinese cane does not diminish their happiness.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Denmark]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 29 December 2024.

References: Mottram-Danish p. 48 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

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