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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Il Giglio Nero
Also known as The Sign of the Black Lily Gang in the USA
(1913) Italy
B&W : Two reels
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Società Italiana Cines production; distributed by Società Italiana Cines. / Released 30 June 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA by Kleine Optical Company on 2 September 1913.

Drama: Crime.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Mr. A. Duncan traveled in the best society and was generally a gentleman of high esteem among the fashionable element of the city. Mr. Duncan met Mr. Castlemain and the latter told him that he proposed leaving for his villa for a brief stay at the seashore. Oddly enough. Castlemain had no sooner left his home when thieves entered and looted the place. Kitty Castlemain, returning from the depot in her motor, suffered the inconvenience of a breakdown, and was met and assisted home by Mr. Duncan, a coincidence which explained itself to Kitty some days later. James Fox, a private detective of renown, was called and the news soon spread to the stronghold of “The Black Lily Gang” that Fox was after them. Hence, Kitty received an anonymous note, suggesting that if she would like to regain her jewels, to send someone in whom she had confidence to the Aqueduct. This, note she gave to Fox, who sent his assistant to shadow the bearer of the note back to the stronghold of the gang. A sensational motor car race followed and the important capture of one of the gang by Fox, who, with assistants, made his way to the secret meeting place of the gang, and by dint of much effort managed to find the secret spring that opened the door. Exultingly, Fox stepped into the room, the walls of which suddenly rose before him, revealing a dozen of the gang, revolvers in hands. Suddenly the very floor beneath his feet gave way and the detective was precipitated into a deep pit, which, at the pressing of a button on the part of one of the gang, began rapidly to fill with water. Meanwhile the police were active. They also discovered the secret button marked by the sign of a black lily, and, after a valiant fight, managed to overpower the criminals. Meanwhile one of the gang had taken a message to Duncan. The messenger was shadowed by an assistant of Fox, who returned to the gang headquarters with the information that Duncan was really the leader of the band. Fox then disguised himself as one of the important lieutenants of Duncan, and, going to the Castlemain Villa, where a reception was being held, managed to convey a message to Duncan. The old man stepped into the garden and then Fox, with his evidence complete, revealed the wary old criminal as the real head of “The Black Lily Gang.”

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Italy]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Law: Enforcement: Police: Detectives

Listing updated: 27 November 2022.

References: Tarbox-Lost pp. 126, 279 : Website-IMDb.

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