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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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His Chinese Friend
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by [?] Bertram Bracken?

Cast: (unknown)

Méliès Star Films [American] production; distributed by [?] The Vitagraph Company of America through The General Film Company, Incorporated? / Produced by Gaston Méliès. / Released 10 July 1913. / The production was shot on-location in 1912. Only eight prints of the film were sold.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Playing on the streets of Singapore with his little Chinese friend, Wing, Charlie Foster, an American lad of three years, is suddenly kidnapped. It does not take the earlier-matured mind of Wing long to grasp the whole situation, and by promptly telling the police, he saves his playmate. Twenty-five years later finds the two companions still. Foster, now married, is a speculator. He plunges in rubber. There comes a slump in this stock and financial ruin stares him in the face. Once more the Chinaman, with his savings and by raising money on his personal credit, comes to the rescue of his friend, tiding him over until another boom in rubber makes Foster wealthy. Ten years more pass and Wing is a high official, but secretly a leader in the Chinese revolution. The ministry becomes aware of his double dealing and issues a proclamation offering a reward for his arrest. Foster learns of the proclamation and quickly hurries in his automobile to Wing's palatial home, and spirits him away to his office. But they are followed and the Chinaman is fired at. He drops, apparently lifeless. News spreads that Wing is dead and a great funeral is held. But Wing was very much alive and dropped, not from a bullet wound, but as a precautionary measure to save his skin. Foster nails him in a box marked for shipment to Europe, from which, when it is hoisted on the steamer, he comes out. The two friends part, swearing everlasting devotion, though seas may part them.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Asians - China - Chinese

Listing updated: 6 January 2025.

References: Tarbox-Lost p. 142; Thompson-Star p. 70 : Website-IMDb.

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