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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Judex (1916-1917)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Also known as Жюдекс in Russia; The Hand of Vengeance in the USA
(1916-1917) France
B&W : Serial / 12 chapters / 26,849 feet
Directed by Louis Feuillade

Cast: René Cresté [Jacques de Tremeuse, also known as Judex], Musidora [Diana Monti, also known as Marie Verdier], Edouard Mathé [Roger de Tremeuse, Jacques’ brother], Jean Devalde [Robert Moralés], Marcel Lévesque [Monsieur Cocantin, the new director of the Celeritas Ribuadet Detective Agency], Louis Leubas [Jacques Favraux, le banquier (the banker)], Yvette Andréyor [Jacqueline Aubry, Favraux’s daughter, also known as Jeanne Bertin], Olinda Mano [le petit Jean (the little Jean), Jacqueline’s son], René Poyen (Bout-de-Zan) [Le Môme réglisse (The Liquorice Kid)], Gaston Michel [Pierre Kerjean], Yvonne Dario [Comtesse de Tremeuse], Georges Flateau [Marquis Amaury de la Rochefontaine], Juliette Clarens [Gisèle de Birargues, a piano student], Lily Deligny [Miss Daisy Torp], [?] ? [Vallieres, Favraux’s secretary], [?] ? [Favraux’s butler], [?] ? [Cesar de Birargues, Gisèle’s brother], [?] ? [Jonas, an office assistant of the Celeritas Ribuadet Detective Agency], [?] ? [the Favraux family attorney], [?] ? [Marianne], [?] ? [Marianne’s father], [?] ? [a greedy lender to Rochefontaine], [?] ? [the mayor’s secretary]

Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont production; distributed by [?] Société des Etablissements L. Gaumont? / Scenario by Arthur Bernède and Louis Feuillade. Art direction by Robert-Jules Garnier. Cinematography by Léon Klausse and André Glatti. / Premiered 16 December 1916 in Paris, France. 12 chapters, plus prologue (26,849 feet total): [0] Prologue, released [?] 19 January 1917?; [1] “L’Ombre mystérieuse” (The Mysterious Shadow); [2] “L’Expiation” (Expiation); [3] “La Mente fantastique” (The Fantastic House); [4] “Le Secret de la tombe” (The Secret of the Tomb); [5] “Le Moulin tragique” (The Tragic Mill); [6] “Le Môme réglisse” (The Liquorice Kid); [7] “La Femme en noir” (The Woman in Black); [8] “Les Souterrains du Château-Rouge” (The Dungeons of the Chateau Rouge); [9] “Lorsque l’enfant parut” (When the Child Appears); [10] “Le Coeur de Jacqueline” (The Heart of Jacqueline); [11] “L’Ondine” (The Water Sprite); [12] “Le Pardon d’amour” (The Forgiveness of Love). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The serial was released in the USA on State Rights basis by Gaumont Company as The Hand of Vengeance in the summer of 1917: ten chapters (two reels each): [1] “The Sign of the Scar”; [2] “Scheming for Millions”; [3] “The Ambassador’s Diamond”; [4] “The Grey Lady”; [5] “The League of Silence”; [6] “The Mysterious Manor”; [7] “The Secret of the Night”; [8] “The Kidnapped Statesman”; [9] “The Girl in the Hotel”; [10] [?] “A Woman’s Aid” or “A Girl’s Aid”?

Drama: Crime.

Survival status: Print exists [35mm positive].

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA release version].

Keywords: Bankers - Children - Death - Engagements - Ex-convicts - Law: Enforcement: Police: Detectives - Letters - Offices - Parties: Dinner - Poison - Private detectives - Revenge - Rich people - Secretaries - Serials - Threats: Death - Transportation: Automobiles

Listing updated: 16 October 2021.

References: Film viewing : Bardèche-History pp. 69, 70, 113, 130, 131, 132, 142, 147; Everson-Detective p. 7; Sinyard-Silent p. 59; Stedman-Serials p. 36 : Website-IMDb; Website-SerSq.

Home video: DVD.

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