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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  A Leaf in the Storm (1913)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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A Leaf in the Storm
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Three reels
Directed by Stanner E.V. Taylor

Cast: Marion Leonard

Marion Leonard Film Company production; distributed by Warner’s Features, Incorporated. / Released November 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The story opens in a New York tenement where Miss Leonard is living in hopes of finding the means to support herself and little baby. A month before her husband had been killed in a mine accident and Miss Leonard sought the city, leaving her child m the care of a neighbor. She is aroused by a knock on the door. A youth of the underworld, struck with her beauty, has followed her home. He tells her where she can secure work. When he offers her money to pay for a new dress, she understands, and drives him from the room. Another knock. It is her landlord. She must pay her rent in the morning. Her eye falls on the card left by the “cadet.” That night she appears at the dance hall. Once within her soul revolts. A “cadet” endeavors to restrain her, but the proprietor ejects him. At this moment a woman in evening dress arrives on a slumming tour. There is a pistol duel between two gangsters and the woman is injured, but not seriously. She confides in Miss Leonard that she is married to a young Englishman, heir to his father’s fortune, and is on her way abroad. She engages Miss Leonard as nurse companion. On board ship the woman proves to be a drunkard. A storm arises. The lifeboats are wrecked. The two women are washed ashore on a desert island and are sheltered by a sailor, himself a victim of a previous shipwreck. The sailor and the Englishman’s wife begin a drunken carouse on rum that has washed ashore. Miss Leonard fails to arouse them from their stupor when a sailing vessel comes to take them off. Swiftly she gathers the woman’s proofs together, exchanges wedding rings and a month later lands in England and is accepted as the son’s wife. After a time the true wife appears but is turned away. In the moment of her triumph she realizes the futility of it all, and leaving a note of confession disappears. A nephew, who has fallen in love with her, follows her to America. Just as she is about to leave with her baby from the city, he finds her and there is a joyful reunion.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 20 October 2022.

References: Tarbox-Lost p. 141 : Website-IMDb.

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