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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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[Little Miss Nuisance]
Also known as Little Miss Nuisance in the USA
(1914) France
B&W : Two reels
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA as Little Miss Nuisance by Features Ideal, Incorporated, through United Film Service on 7 December 1914.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Hearts were trumps with Paul Normond at that little card party in the seaside cottage which he and his friend Felix had taken for a week. Paul had just received a telegram from his employer, the Honorable James Fauret, chief of the Department of Special Revenue, that he and his daughter Florence would motor out to enliven his vacation, and the news made him very happy, inasmuch as Florence was his fiancée. An auto stopped outside, and Paul ran to the door, thinking it was his employer and daughter. Instead of Florence and her father, however, Paul was confronted by a vivacious young woman, who introduced herself as Marion Lament, daughter of the wealthy candy manufacturer. She pointed to a flattened tire which the chauffeur had already turned his attention to and intimated that she would like to tarry with them while repairs were in progress. Felix was not slow in offering her the hospitality of the cottage, while Paul bit his finger nails in vexation. Marion did not give Paul the opportunity to convey to Felix his displeasure at his rash step in inviting her into the house, for the reason that Marion found Paul extremely interesting, and immediately began to devote her attention to the reticent young man. Felix noted this with joy, for was not Marion the much-sought heiress of the Fauret millions? He liked his friend too much to see him mis-mated, anyway, and secretly resolved to do all he could to arouse in him feelings reciprocal to those exhibited by Marion. So when the chauffeur had repaired the tire and entered the house to inform Marion to that effect, Felix stealthily slipped behind the car and placed a tack in another tire, with the result that the car almost instantly was brought to another halt for further repairs. Felix was all smiles inwardly, and the smile expanded into a guffaw when a little bit later they found that it was necessary for the chauffeur to go to the city for repairs. He felt that this further delay would materially aid his plans, and, to encourage Marion in her obvious liking for Paul, he told her that his friend avoided her. although secretly caring for her, because he feared she might interpret his love as fortune-hunting. Late that night the old bureaucrat and his prudish daughter arrived. Paul received them with an embarrassment which was not lost upon Fauret. The discovery followed almost instantly. Paul’s explanations were rejected. Turning about, father and daughter re-entered the car and motored off in wrath. The engagement was off. Paul cut short his vacation and hurried back to the city to make an attempt at reconciliation, Marion in the meantime having been fetched home by her millionaire daddy, who rode out to the seaside cottage in his luxurious limousine as soon as he heard of the accident to his daughter’s machine. Fauret finally consented to give Paul another chance to prove himself worthy of Florence. Marion, very much piqued by Paul’s spurning of her attentions, to see him again uses as a pretext the excuse that she came to apologize for the behavior which scandalized him in the eyes of Fauret and his daughter. While in the office waiting for Paul to appear, the telephone bell rang. The chief was on the wire and was astounded to hear a feminine voice answer him. He determined to find out. Paul, entering his office, was thunderstruck to find Marion there and was constrained, in order to get rid of her, to give her a kiss she exacted as a token of full forgiveness. At this interesting moment the door opened and Fauret. with popping eyes, beheld the two. Shortly after Paul was notified of his dismissal. Distracted over the loss of his position and his fiancée, he decided to enlist as a soldier. Marion, hearing of this resolve, immediately became a member of the hospital corps as a nurse. When, on the evening of departure for the front, Paul suddenly came face to face with the Red Cross nurse and discovered her to be Marion, the fascinating and persistent heiress to many millions, he finally appreciated the fact that Felix’s judgment was. after all, the best, and folded her in his arms.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 7 November 2023.

References: Website-IMDb.

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