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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Love Aflame
Also known as {Hearts Aflame}
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by Raymond Wells and James Vincent

Cast: Ruth Stonehouse [Betty Mason], Stuart Holmes [George Howard], Jack Mulhall [Jack Calvert], Jean Hersholt [Reginald], Kenneth Hunter [Robert Sterling], Raymond Whitaker [Mr. Mason], Madeleine Le Nard [Rita Lawson], Jane Lee [Willie Sterling], Katherine Lee [Myrtle Sterling], Noble Johnson [cannibal king], Fronzie Gunn [his favorite], Nita White [Martha], Dana Ong, Charlie the elephant

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [A Red Feather Photo-play]. / Scenario by Mary Murillo and Fred Myton, from a screen story by James R. Harey and Raymond Wells. Cinematography by René Guissart and R.E. Irish. Film editor, Alfred De Gaetano. / © 16 January 1917 by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [LP9993]. Released 29 January 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Comedy: Adventure.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? One of the warriors decides that he wants the king’s favorite, and is about to carry her off by force when flames burst forth from the sacred volcano, and according to the custom, the king is forced to accept the challenge for his supremacy. The favorite throws herself on the beach in despair, and is seized by white traders who hasten from the island. Betty Mason, whose only regret is that she is not a boy, is excited on learning that her cousin, Reginald, is to visit her father; but when she finds he is sissified, her feelings change. Reginald, however, falls in love, and although her father is pleased at the idea of Betty settling down, she runs away, leaving a note that she has gone west, wearing her brother’s clothes, and if Reginald can catch her she will marry him. In a city club three young men are discussing women’s rights. Jack Calvert declares he can start without a cent and reach Constantinople by November 6, but that no woman can do it. A bystander calls his bluff, bets $5,000 and Jack, fearing the jeers of his friends, starts out. Betty, who is traveling the “box-car route,” hears groans and discovers Jack, and they soon become friends. A brakeman puts them off the train, and they join a gang of tramps. Jack says he must be in Constantinople by the sixth, and Betty says she will go with him. Reginald, speeding across the country, gets a flashing glimpse of Betty, but the conductor will not allow him to get off the moving train. Betty and Jack reach the coast and smuggle aboard a boat about to sail for Constantinople. In foraging for food Betty runs into Reginald, so she and Jack make a dive for a fishing launch lying at anchor nearby. They are hauled aboard by the traders and the king’s favorite. Betty’s disguise is detected by one of the traders; but Jack innocently comes to her rescue, and a fight ensues in which the ruffians are thrown overboard and orders the favorite to steer for Constantinople. Suddenly a squall hits the launch and they are shipwrecked on the Cannibal Island. The king recognizes his favorite, and all are taken to his palace. Jack and Betty learn they are to constitute the principal dish at a feast to be held next day; and the favorite comes to their rescue by suggesting that Jack challenge the king. The sacred volcano again belches forth, and during the fight Jack hurls the king into the crater. A launch approaches the shore, and as Betty recognizes Reginald, she and Jack descend by another route, and secure the launch. They reach Constantinople in time, and find the boys. At a banquet Mr. Mason introduces his daughter Betty, Jack is overcome with surprise, and is glad to change his views regarding womankind in general, and one woman in particular, who promises to tramp by his side forever.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 18 December 2024.

References: Hirschhorn-Universal p. 27; Spehr-American p. 273 : ClasIm-225 p. 47 : Website-IMDb.

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