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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Mrs. Black is Back
(1914) United States of America
B&W : Four reels
Directed by T.N. Heffron (Thomas N. Heffron)

Cast: May Irwin [Mrs. Black], Charles Lane [Professor Newton Black], Clara Blandick [Emily Mason], Wellington A. Playter [Tom Larkey], Elmer Booth [Jack Dangerfield], James Hester [Major Thorne], Cyril Chadwick [Bramley Bush], Marie Pavis [Priscilla Black], Howard Missimer [the valet]

Famous Players Film Company production; distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation. / From the play Mrs. Black is Back by George V. Hobart. Presented by Daniel Frohman. / Released 30 November 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Irwin’s second and last film, after The May Irwin Kiss (1896). The production exteriors were shot on-location at May Irwin’s summer home in Clayton, New York, on her request.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Mrs. Black, formerly a plump, good-natured widow, tells Professor Black, her new husband whom she adores and fears, that she is 29 instead of 36, neatly knocking off 7 years. To further convince him of her youth, she also tells him that her son “Little Johnny,” whom he has never met, is 10 — in reality, John is a husky 17-year-old fellow in school in England, fully 6 feet tall, broad-shouldered, and quite up-to-date, even to his Irish valet Larry McManus. Not being able to tell the Professor this, Mrs. Black invents a mythical “Aunt Prue,” living in New England, with whom Johnny is supposed to be staying. The professor must curb his impatience to see his new son, for whom he has, with great care, been buying toys. So does the Professor’s class of gushing young girls, who look forward with equal eagerness to seeing “Professor’s Little Johnny.” To regain the slimness of her youth, Mrs. Black takes reducing exercises from physical-culture teacher Tom Larkey, but loses more money and patience than flesh. As John writes that he needs money and wants to come home, she takes the $400 due Larkey and sends it to her beloved offspring, telling him he must stay in England and finish his college course. His professor decides that he needs building-up and sends for an instructor to teach him the proper exercises. The instructor proves to be Larkey, who adds to Mrs. Black’s troubles by hounding her for the debt due him. Meanwhile her son has promptly lost the money sent him in poker, and gives a Spaniard an I.O.U. for $400 on the back of an envelope addressed to his mother, Mrs. Black. Pedro, the Spaniard, is going to America and decides to look up Mrs. Black; finding her, he demands the $400 her son owes him, so all her ingenuity is taxed to dodge the two creditors and keep her husband away from them until she shall find some means of obtaining the money due. John falls in love with a pretty girl in England and follows her to America, telegraphing his mother on his arrival in New York that he will soon be with her. And Mrs. Black has just learned from her dignified husband that he never forgives a liar. Then things begin to happen, with Mrs. Black as the prime factor. Jack and his valet arrive; the valet is presented as “Aunt Prue’s” husband; and Jack masquerades first as the gas man and finally as Lizzie, the new cook. Of course the fatal truth at last comes out, and the penitent Mrs. Black leaps into an auto, about which she understands nothing, and runs away. Her frantic husband sees the machine smash, and when, after believing her gone from him forever, he learns that she escaped injury, he is so glad to find “Mrs. Black is Back,” that he readily forgives her deception and welcomes son John. // Additional synopsis available in AFI-F1 n. F1.2998.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: USA: New York: Thousand Islands

Listing updated: 10 June 2024.

References: AFI-F1 n. F1.2998; Tarbox-Lost p. 205 : ClasIm-278 p. C15 : Website-IMDb.

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