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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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An Orphan of War
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Francis Ford

Cast: Francis Ford [John Waldron], Grace Cunard, Cyril Gottlieb (Cyril Gardner) [Tom Waldron, John’s son]

New York Motion Picture Company production; distributed by [?] The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated? [Kay-Bee]. / Produced by Thomas H. Ince. / Released 22 August 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: War.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? John Waldron, a giant mountaineer in West Virginia, is a Northern sympathizer at the outbreak of the Civil War and is hated by his neighbors. His son, Tom, a bright little lad, has been brought up by his father to have a deep regard for righteousness and to always perform the duty his conscience tells him is right. One day Waldron is attacked by his neighbors and a fierce struggle ensues, in which Waldron’s great strength is taxed to the utmost, but he finally escapes, covering the mob with his rifle. The Southern army reaches the locality and a captain is informed of the actions of the fighting Northerner, and a squad is sent to arrest Waldron, who puts up a desperate defense before he is overpowered by force of numbers. The prisoner is about to be strung up when little Tom, who has been hiding in the cellar where his father sent him, follows the soldiers with his rifle and as the rope is being adjusted about his father’s neck he opens fire and kills a couple of soldiers. The captain, mortally wounded, sees Waldron escaping and staggering to his feet shoots and kills him. Tom is chased by the soldiers, and escapes by donning the clothes of a scarecrow and standing still. After the soldiers are gone he hides in the thicket for a few days, and finally emerges, ravenously hungry. He meets Betty, the little daughter of Col. Johnstone, a Southern officer, and the child gives him her sandwiches. The two quickly become fast friends, but Betty is taken away by her colored nurse, who had taken Betty out for an outing in the woods. Betty loses her locket, with the picture of her father in it, which Tom picks up and keeps. General Fremont, hemmed in by Stonewall Jackson, tries to get a message to General McClellan. The messenger is pursued by Confederate soldiers and is badly wounded. Realizing that he is dying, he secretes the message under a stone, and when his dead body is searched by the soldiers they find nothing. Tom, hiding in the thicket, has seen the packet hidden, and discovers the nature of the message. He manages to deliver the note, after many hardships, and McClellan attacks Jackson. During the battle which follows, Tom, who is an expert shot, climbs in a tree and picks off officers, burning with hate for the Southern soldiers who have caused the death of his father. During a charge by the Union soldiers he shoots Colonel Johnstone. Climbing down, he goes to taunt the wounded man and is amazed to find the original of the picture in the locket, and remembering the kindly little girl he goes for aid in the Confederate camp, Johnstone's life is saved, but he is compelled to go home on sick leave, and he takes Tom, who has been held as an honored prisoner, with him. Tom and Betty renew their acquaintance, and it is plain to be seen that the little orphan of war has at last found a real home.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Children: Orphans - War

Listing updated: 29 March 2020.

References: ClasIm-224 p. 42 : Website-IMDb.

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