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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Our Hospitality (1923)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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  Buster Keaton and Natalie Talmadge.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Our Hospitality
Also known as Hospitality in the United Kingdom and in the USA
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels / 6220 feet
Directed by Buster Keaton and Jack Blystone (John G. Blystone)

Cast: Buster Keaton [William McKay], Natalie Talmadge [Virginia Canfield], Joe Roberts [Joseph Canfield], Ralph Bushman (Francis X. Bushman Jr.) [Clayton Canfield], Craig Ward [Lee Canfield], Monte Collins [Reverend Benjamin Dorsey], Joe Keaton (Joseph Keaton) [Lem Doolittle], Kitty Bradbury [Aunt Mary], Buster Keaton Jr. [William Canfield, as a baby]; Leonard Clapham [James Canfield], Edward Coxen (Ed Coxen) [John McKay], Jean Dumas [Mrs. McKay], James Duffy [Sam Gardner], Roscoe Arbuckle

Buster Keaton Productions, Incorporated, production; distributed by Metro Pictures Corporation. / Produced by Joseph M. Schenck. Scenario by Jean Havez, Clyde Bruckman and Joseph Mitchell. Art direction by Fred Gabourie. Costume design by Walter Israel. Lighting by Denver Harmon. Cinematography by Elgin Lessley and Gordon Jennings. Presented by Joseph M. Schenck. / © 20 November 1923 by Buster Keaton Productions, Incorporated [LP19675]. Premiered October 1923 (in six reels, as Hospitality) in the United Kingdom. USA premiere, 8 November 1923 (in six reels, as Hospitality) in San Francisco, California. Released 19 November 1923. General release, December 1923 (in seven reels). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / [?] Dardis-Keaton p. 101 notes that location work on this film was done in Lake Tahoe, Oregon. A 16mm reduction positive of an early version of the film, entitled Hospitality, was recovered by Paul E. Gierucki in 2008.


Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F2 n. F2.4057.

Survival status: Prints exist in the film holdings of Cohen Media Group (Raymond Rohauer collection) [35mm positive (Our Hospitality version)]; and in the film holdings of Paul E. Gierucki [16mm reduction positive (Hospitality version)].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Chases - Crime: Murder - Female impersonation - Feuds - Inheritances - Musical instruments: Pianofortes - Rescues - Rivers - USA: Oregon - USA: Pacific Northwest - Waterfalls - Weapons: Guns

Listing updated: 26 May 2020.

References: Film credits, film viewing : AFI-F2 n. F2.4057; Bardèche-History pp. 292, 293; Brownlow-Parade pp. 357, 476, 488; Dardis-Keaton pp. 97-102, 113, 219, 290-291; Everson-American p. 272; Fell-History p. 96; Kerr-Silent pp. 21, 213, 216-217, 219, 222, 229, 237, 242, 244, 253; Limbacher-Feature p. 182; Maltin-Classic p. 514; Poague-Capra p. 26; Schelly-Langdon pp. 11, 56; Shipman-Cinema p. 80; Sinyard-Silent p. 115; Skretvedt-Magic pp. 336, 338.

Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.

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