Priscilla Dean (left).
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
(1921) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels / 7153 feet
Directed by Stuart Paton
Cast: Priscilla Dean [Fay McMilland / Laura], May Giraci (Mae Giraci) [Pauline Stevens, as a child], Harry Van Meter [Monty Edwards], Harry Carter [Dan Frawley], Niles Welch [Jimmie Dorn], William Welsh [Max Gossman], Spottiswoode Aitken [Karl], Rex De Roselli [the theater owner], William Archibald [the photographer], Harry Webb [the photographer’s assistant], Madge Hunt [the matron], Allan Garcia [the leading man], James McLaughlin [the heavy], Kathleen Myers [an ingenue], Joey McCreery [an ingenue], Alice H. Smith [the charwoman], François Dumas [the charman], Joe Ray [the stage manager]
The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Universal-Jewel]. / Scenario by [?] Lucien Hubbard and/or Doris Schroeder?, from the short story “False Colors” by Edwina Levin. Cinematography by Harold Janes. Music score arranged by Hugo Riesenfeld. / © 3 May 1921 by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [LP16554]. Released May 1921. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in Hirschhorn-Universal p. 36.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Abandonment - Actresses - Children - Confessions - Crime: Murder - Death: Murder - Drugs: Addiction, Addicts - Dual roles - Reputation - Self-sacrifice - Theaters - United Kingdom: England: London - USA: New York: New York - Weapons: Guns
Listing updated: 13 March 2010.
References: Edmonds-BigU pp. 109-110, 111; Hirschhorn-Universal p. 36; Weaver-Twenty p. 28 : Website-AFI.