Johannes Meyer and Astrid Holm.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Du skal ære din hustru
(Thou Shalt Honor Thy Wife)
Also known as Master of the House in the United Kingdom and in the United States : [Thou Shalt Honour Thy Wife]
(1925) Denmark
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer
Cast: Johannes Meyer [Viktor Frandsen, finmekaniker], Astrid Holm [Ida Frandsen, hans hustru (his wife)], Karin Nellemose [Karen Frandsen, deres datter (their daughter)], Mathilde Nielsen [Mads, Frandsens tidligere barnepige (Frandsen’s former nanny)], Clara Schønfeld [Fra Alvilda Kryger, Idas mor (Ida’s mother)], Johannes Nielsen [Læge, the doctor], Petrine Sonne [Vaskekone (the laundress)], Vilhelm Petersen, Byril Harvig [barnet (son)], Aage Petersen [Frederik, din søn], Frk. Voss-Christensen [pige gos lægen (the girl at the doctor’s)], Inga Bentsen [pige hos præsten (the girl at the priest’s)], Georg Busch, Frank Henriksen, Charles Hansen, Carl Hinz, Viggo Lindstrøm, Vilhelm Petersen, Aage Schmidt
Palladium Film production; distributed by [?] Filmcentralen Palladium? / Scenario by Carl Theodor Dreyer and Svend Rindom, from the play Tyrannens fald by Svend Rindom. Production direction by Carl Theodor Dreyer. Cinematography by George Schnéevoigt. Film editor, Carl Theodor Dreyer. / Released 5 October 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released on 15 November 1926 in Finland.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Listing updated: 27 December 2024.
References: Bardèche-History p. 265; Limbacher-Feature p. 156 : ClasIm-311 p. 15 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.