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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Toy-Maker of Leyden
(1915) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Reginald Barlow

Cast: Etienne Girardot [Old Hans], Edith Roberts [Freda], Louis Friedlander [Karl], Reginald Barlow [Doctor Von Holm]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Imp]. / Scenario by W.A. Lathsop. / Released 5 June 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [The Universal Weekly, Volume VI, Number 24, 12 June 1915, page 31] Hans is an expert toy-maker in a little Holland village. He is assisted in his quaint old toy-shop by Freda, his granddaughter and laughing, romping Karl. Freda shows symptoms of consumption. / At this time, Dr. Von Holm comes all the way from Rotterdam and lectures to the city fathers on the dangerous spread of germs from the great white plague. So the city fathers determine to stamp out the dread disease and one day they walk into the quaint old shop and make a bon fire of all the toys behind the house, telling Old Hans that Freda is in consumption and must not be allowed to spread infection by making any more toys. / Hans sits in the empty toy-shop heart-broken. In the agony of despair, he clutches a piece of torn newspaper, in which he reads how Dr. Von Holm, of Rotterdam, has cured consumption in cases that have been checked in time. Hans counts his small savings, and, bidding Freda and Karl a cheery good-bye, sets out on his walk to Rotterdam, thirty miles away. / Admitted to the private office of Dr. Von Holm, he tells the object of his coming. The great doctor shakes is head dubiously and is not inclined to take the case. Thereupon, Old Hans kneels down on the floor, pours his pitiful savings at the doctor’s feet, and pleads for the life of Freda. / Dr. Von Holm is touched by this pathetic appeal. He drives to the little village in a big car and takes Freda and Hans and Karl to his bungalow in the pine woods. / Thus Freda is enabled to shake off the touch of the white plague and returns home, entirely cured. The doctor, who has fallen in love with his fascinating patient, comes back after a month to make her his wife and Old Hans is once more installed in his toy-shop with those he loves around him to make his declining days more prosperous and happy.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 19 December 2009.

References: UnivWeekly-19150612 p. 31.

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