Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Untameable
Also known as [The Two Souled Woman], [The White Cat]
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Five reels / 4776 feet
Directed by Herbert Blaché
Cast: Gladys Walton [Edna Fielding; and Joy Fielding], [?] Herbert McGregor or Malcolm McGregor? [Chester Castle], John Sainpolis [Doctor Copin], Etta Lee [Ah Moy]
Universal Pictures Corporation production; distributed by Universal Pictures Corporation. / Continuity (scenario) by Hugh Hoffman, from the novel The White Cat by Gelette Burgess. Cinematography by Ben Kline (Benjamin H. Kline) and Howard Oswald. / © 4 August 1923 by Universal Pictures Corporation [LP19290]. Released 10 September 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Hypnotism - Medical: Doctors, Multiple personalities
Listing updated: 19 May 2010.
References: Hirschhorn-Universal p. 43 : ClasIm-223 p. 58 : Website-AFI.
Home video: DVD.