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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Violin of Monsieur
Also known as [The Violin of M’sieur]
(1912) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by James Young

Cast: James Young, Clara Kimball Young, Etienne Girardot

The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / From a story by William Addison Lathrop. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format / [?] Website-IMDb lists the release date as 1 August 1914.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The simple story of an old man, whose gentle sweetness of nature and knowledge of music protected him amid the active destruction of war between France and Germany and amid the humiliations of extreme poverty. He even escapes death for striking a Prussian officer for attempted familiarity with his pretty daughter, Yvonne. When the Prussians capture the town where Pere Gerome dreams away his peaceful days playing on a valuable Cremona. “M’sieur,” that is Pere Gerome, goes to the door of his cottage with lovely Yvonne. French soldiers are falling in death and agony all about these two innocents, but they escape until the officers spy the French beauty. One of them chucks her under the chin and this enrages poor old M’sieur to a point that he breaks his precious instrument over the officer’s head. For this he is led away to be executed or languish in a German prison. Yvonne has a lover, Jean, to whom she is engaged, with her father’s approval, but Jean is much more human than heroic. He is husky enough to join the army, but he spends most of his time running away. He runs away with a priceless possession in the person of Yvonne and occupies his time so well in the pursuits of peace, how much time I do not know, as there were no sub-titles in the version shown me, that he acquires wife, home and baby. Yvonne the wife. “M’sieur” is released from duress by the Prussians, partially through a common fondness for music, the language of all nations, and he goes wandering. He suffers at times, and at others he kindles the flame of human kindness, but he endures privation with the philosophy of long and varied experience. He wanders aimlessly until that destiny or unseen power that directs the complex workings of human existence leads his steps to a cottage where a little girl listens to his musical appeal. The little girl’s papa and mama have their attention attracted by the little one and they become strangely affected in listening to the old violinist’s quavering notes. The ending is that of reunion and presents one of many attractive scenes well calculated to please those of inborn picture sense.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Animals: Dogs

Listing updated: 4 October 2023.

References: Blum-Silent p. 28 : Website-IMDb.

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