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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Vor fælles Ven (1921)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Vor fælles Ven
Also known as [Our Mutual Friend]
(1921) Denmark
B&W : [?] Eight? reels
Directed by A.W. Sandberg

Cast: Peter Malberg [Eugene Wrayburn], Aage Fønss [John Harmon; Julius Handford; J. Rokesmith], Alfred Møller [Mr. Boffin], Peter Fjelstrup [Gaffer Hexam], Karen Caspersen [Lizzie Hexam], Svend Kornbeck [Roger Riderhood], Egill Rostrup [Mortimer Lightwood], Jonna Neiiendam [Mrs. Boffin], Peter Nielsen [Bradley Headstone], Bertel Krause [Silas Wegg], Charles Wilken [Mr. Venus], Carl Madsen [Reginald Wilfer], Henny Lauritzen [Mrs. Wilfer], Kate Riise [Bella Wilfer], Kai Kilian [Charlie Hexam], Ingeborg Frölich [Jenny Wren], Moritz Bielawski, Rasmus Christiansen, Betzy Kofoed, Astrid Krygell, Carl Lauritzen, Carl Schenstrøm, Clara Schønfeld

Nordisk Films Kompagni production; distributed by [?] Nordisk Films Kompagni or Kinografen? / Scenario by Laurids Skands, from the novel Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Art direction by Carlo Jacobsen. Cinematography by Einar Olsen. / Released [?] 6 May 1921 (France); 27 September 1921 (Denmark)? / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA (in eight reels) by F.B. Warren Corporation in 1921.

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Denmark]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Authors: Charles Dickens

Listing updated: 21 November 2022.

References: Bardèche-History p. 185 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Vor fælles Ven (1921)
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