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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
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Charles Chaplin

Silent Era Filmography

[1] Making a Living (1914)
[2] Kid’s Auto Race (1914)
[3] Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1914)
[4] A Thief Catcher (1914)
[5] Between Showers (1914)
[6] A Film Johnnie (1914)
[7] Tango Tangles (1914)
[8] His Favorite Pastime (1914)
[9] Cruel, Cruel Love (1914)
[10] The Star Boarder (1914)
[11] Mabel at the Wheel (1914)
[12] Twenty Minutes of Love (1914)
[13] Caught in a Cabaret (1914)
[14] Caught in the Rain (1914)
[15] A Busy Day (1914)
[16] The Fatal Mallet (1914)
[17] Her Friend the Bandit (1914)
[18] The Knockout (1914)
[19] Mabel’s Busy Day (1914)
[20] Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
[21] Laughing Gas (1914)
[22] The Property Man (1914)
[23] The Face on the Bar Room Floor (1914)
[24] Recreation (1914)
[25] The Masquerader (1914)
[26] His New Profession (1914)
[27] The Rounders (1914)
[28] The New Janitor (1914)
[29] Those Love Pangs (1914)
[30] Dough and Dynamite (1914)
[31] Gentlemen of Nerve (1914)
[32] His Musical Career (1914)
[33] His Trysting Place (1914)
[34] Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
[35] Getting Acquainted (1914)
[36] His Prehistoric Past (1914)
[36a] Introducing Charlie Chaplin (1915)
[37] His New Job (1915)
[38] A Night Out (1915)
[39] The Champion (1915)
[39a] His Regeneration (1915)
[40] In the Park (1915)
[41] A Jitney Elopement (1915)
[42] The Tramp (1915)
[43] By the Sea (1915)
[44] Work (1915)
[45] A Woman (1915)
[46] The Bank (1915)
[47] Shanghaied (1915)
[48] A Night in the Show (1915)
[49] Carmen (1915)
[50] The Floorwalker (1916)
[51] Police! (1916)
[52] The Fireman (1916)
[53] The Vagabond (1916)
[54] One A.M. (1916)
[55] The Count (1916)
[56] The Pawnshop (1916)
[57] Behind the Screen (1916)
[58] The Rink (1916)
[59] Easy Street (1917)
[60] The Cure (1917)
[61] The Immigrant (1917)
[62] The Adventurer (1917)
[63] A Dog’s Life (1918)
[64] Triple Trouble (1918)
[65] Shoulder Arms (1918)
[66] The Bond (1918)
[67] Sunnyside (1919)
[68] A Day’s Pleasure (1919)
[69] The Kid (1921)
[70] The Idle Class (1921)
[71] Pay Day (1922)
[71a] Seeing Stars (1922)
[72] The Pilgrim (1923)
[72a] Souls for Sale (1923)
[72b] Hollywood (1923)
[73] A Woman of Paris (1923)
[73a] Zander the Great (1925)
[74] The Gold Rush (1925)
[74a] The Sea Gull (1926)
[75] The Circus (1928)
[75a] Show People (1928)
[76] City Lights (1931)

Unfinished and Unreleased
Life (1915)
[Chaplin-Lauder Charity Film] (1918)
How to Make Movies (1918)
The Professor (1919)
Nice and Friendly (1922)
The Sea Gull [A Woman of the Sea] (1926)
The Suicide (1927?)

Compilation Films
The Essanay-Chaplin Revue of 1916 (1916)
Chase Me, Charlie (1917)
[The Charlie Chaplin Revue] (1918)

Counterfeit Films
Charlie Chaplin in “A Son of the Gods” (191?)
Charlie in a Harem (191?)
The Dishonor System (191?)
The Fall of the Rummy-Nuffs (1917)
One Law for Both (191?)
Zepped (1916)
Alternate Titles
Les avatars de Charlot (1918)
Un béguin de Charlot (1914)
A Busted Johnny (1918)
Charlie’s Big Fight (1914)
Charles Chaplin in a Liberty Loan Appeal (1918)
Charlie Chaplin’s Burlesque on Carmen (1916)
Charlot aime la patronne (1914)
Charlot à la banque (1915)
Charlot à la plage (1915)
Charlot apprenti (1915)
Charlot au music-hall (1915)
Charlot boxeur (1915)
Charlot cambrioleur (1916)
Charlot chef de rayon (1916)
Charlot chez l’usurier (1916)
Charlot danseur (1914)
Charlot dans le parc (1915)
Charlot debute au cinéma (1915)
Charlot déménageur (1914)
Charlot dentiste (1914)
Charlot entre le bar et l’amour (1914)
Charlot est content de lui (1914)
Charlot et Fatty dans le ring (1914)
Charlot et Fatty en bombe (1914)
Charlot et le comte (1916)
Charlot et le masque de fer (1921)
Charlot et la parapluie (1914)
Charlot et le chronomètre (1914)
Charlot et les saucisses (1914)
Charlot et Mabel aux courses (1914)
Charlot et Mabel en ménage (1914)
Charlot et Mabel en promenade (1915)
Charlot fait du cinéma (1914)
Charlot fait du cinéma (1916)
Charlot fait la noce (1915)
Charlot fait une cure (1917)
Charlot garçon de café (1914)
Charlot garçon de théatre (1914)
Charlot garde-malade (1914)
Charlot grande coquette (1914)
Charlot joue Carmen (1916)
Charlot marin (1915)
Charlot marquis (1914)
Charlot mitron (1914)
Charlot musicien (1916)
Charlot nudiste (1915)
Charlot papa (1914)
Charlot patine (1917)
Charlot peintre (1914)
Charlot policeman (1917)
Charlot pompier (1916)
Charlot portier (1914)
Charlot rentre tard (1916)
Charlot rival d’amour (1914)
Charlot s’évade (1917)
Charlot soldat (1918)
Charlot vagabond (1915)
Charlot veut se marier (1915)
Le cirque (1928)
The Doughnut Designers (1918)
L’emigrant (1917)
L’étrange adventure de Mabel (1914)
Fièvre printanière (1914)
Le flirt de Mabel (1914)
The Good-for-Nothing (1918)
Le gosse (1921)
The Ham Artist (1918)
His Daredevil Queen (1918)
The Hula Hula Dance (1918)
Une idylle aux champs (1919)
The Jazz Waiter (1918)
Jour de paye (1922)
Une journée de plaisir (1920)
Lord Helpus (1918)
Les lumières de la ville (1931)
Mabel au volant (1914)
Le Machiniste (1916)
Madame Charlot (1914)
Le maillet de Charlot (1914)
Mam’zelle Charlot (1915)
L’Opinion publique (1923)
Le pèlerin (1923)
Pour gagner sa vie (1914)
The New Porter (1918)
The Pugilist (1918)
Le roman comique de Charlot et de Lolotte (1915)
The Roustabout (1918)
La Ruée vers l’or (1925)
Some Nerve (1918)
The Squarehead (1918)
Une vie de chien (1918)
When You’re Married (19??)

Charles Chaplin Biography

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Filmographies  >  Actors  >  Charles Chaplin
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Chaplin at Keystone DVD

Chaplin Mutuals BD/DVD

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