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Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

‘C’ Listings

Please note that this is a database of information on films produced in the silent era of world cinema. This is not a listing of available exhibition prints or home video products, since we currently do not rent or sell either.

Updated 14 August 2024
Cabaret (1927)
The Cabaret Girl (1918)
El Cabildo de ña Romualda (1908)
Le cabinet de Mephistopheles (1897)
Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920)
[A Cabinet Maker at His Bench] (189?)
Cabiria (1914)
The Cactus Blossom (1915)
Cactus Nell (1917)
Il cadavere vivente (1913)
The Caddy’s Dream (1911)
A Cadet’s Honor (1913)
La caduta di Troia (1910)
[Caesar in Egypt] (1910)
Café Elektric (1927)
A Cafe in Cairo (1924)
Caicedo (1894)
Cainà, la figlia dell’isola (1922)
Cain and Abel (192?)
Cairo to the Pyramids (1906)
Cajus Julius Caesar (1914)
The Cake Eater (1924)
Cake Walking Horse (1902)
A Calamitous Elopement (1908)
Calamity Anne, Guardian (1912)
Calamity Anne’s Love Affair (1914)
Calamity Anne’s Trust (1913)
Calamity Anne’s Ward (1912)
Calcutta Topical No. 1 (1925)
Caleb Piper’s Girl (1919)
The Calgary Stampede (1925)
A Calico Vampire (1916)
California (1927)
A California Love Story (1911)
The California Mail (1929)
California Orange Groves, Panoramic View (1898)
California or Bust (1923)
A California Romance (1922)
California’s Asparagus Industry (1909)
California Straight Ahead (1925)
Calino avocat (1910)
Calino épouse une féministe (1912)
Calino et ses pensionnaires (1911)
[Calino Jerry-builder] (1911)
The Call (1910)
Call a Cop (1921)
Call Again (1928)
The Callahans and the Murphys (1927)
Call a Taxi (1918)
Called Back (1911)
Caller Herring (1909)
Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon (1927)
The Call of Courage (1922)
The Call of Courage (1925)
The Call of Hazard (1926)
The Call of Her Child (1915)
The Call of Her People (1917)
The Call of His People (1921)
The Call of Home (1922)
The Call of the Blood (1921)
The Call of the Canyon (1923)
Call of the Cuckoo (1927)
The Call of the Cumberlands (1916)
The Call of the Desert (1930)
The Call of the East (1917)
The Call of the Footlights (1914)
The Call of the Heart (1928)
The Call of the Hills (1923)
Call of the Klondike (1926)
The Call of the Mate (1924)
The Call of the North (1914)
The Call of the North (1921)
The Call of the Open Range (1911)
The Call of the Road (1920)
The Call of the Song (1911)
The Call of the Waves (1914)
The Call of the West (1920)
The Call of the Wild (1908)
The Call of the Wild (1923)
The Call of the Wilderness (1911)
The Call of the Wilderness (1926)
The Call of Youth (1920)
Call the Wagon (1923)
The Call to Arms (1902)
The Call to Arms (1910)
A Call to Arms (1918)
Call Your Shots (1928)
Calm As the Night (1927)
Caloola; or, The Adventures of a Jackeroo (1911)
Le calvaire (1914)
Calvert’s Valley (1922)
I calzoni di Bidoni (1912)
A Cambodian Idyll (1913)
The Cambric Mask (1919)
Cameo Kirby (1914)
Cameo Kirby (1923)
The Cameo of the Yellowstone (1914)
The Camera Cure (1917)
The Cameraman (1920)
The Cameraman (1928)
Came the Dawn (1928)
Camille (1909)
Camille (1910)
Camille (1912)
Camille (1915)
Camille (1917)
Camille (1921)
Camille (1927)
Camille Desmoulins (1911)
Camille of the Barbary Coast (1925)
A Camouflage Kiss (1918)
La campana muta (1914)
Le campane della morte (Episodio della rivoluzione siciliana) (1913)
The Campbells Are Coming (1915)
Campement de bohémiens (1896)
Camping (1917)
Camping Out (1919)
The Campus Carmen (1928)
Campus Knights (1929)
The Campus Vamp (1928)
The Canadian (1926)
Canadian Officer’s Story (1917)
Canadian Snow Scenes (189?)
Canadian Victory Loan Drive (1918)
The Canary Murder Case (1929)
Can a Woman Love Twice? (1923)
The Cancelled Mortgage (1915)
The Candidate’s Past (1915)
The Candy Girl (1917)
The Candy Kid (1917)
A Canine Sherlock Holmes (1912)
Canned Harmony (1912)
The Cannon Ball (1915)
Canoeing on the Charles River, Boston, Mass. (1904)
[A Canoe Trip] (189?)
Canoodling (1928)
Canton, China (1913)
The Canvas Kisser (1925)
The Canyon of Adventure (1928)
The Canyon of Light (1926)
The Canyon of Missing Men (1930)
Canyon of the Fools (1923)
Cape to Cairo (1926)
Le Capitaine Fracasse (1928)
Capital Punishment (1925)
Capital Versus Labor (1910)
The Cap of Fortune (1909)
The Cap of Fortune (1909)
Cappy Ricks (1921)
Caprice (1913)
Caprice de César Vainqueur (1910)
Capriciosa (1908)
Capsize of Life Boat (1897)
Captain Alvarez (1914)
Captain Billie’s Mate (1913)
Captain Blood (1924)
Captain Careless (1928)
Captain Fly-by-Night (1922)
Captain Fracasse (1915)
Captain January (1924)
Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines (1916)
Captain Jinks, the Cobbler (1916)
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1908)
Captain Kate (1911)
Captain Kearton’s Wild Life and Big Game in the Jungles of India and Africa (1913)
Captain Kidd (1913)
Captain Kidd (1922)
Captain Kidd, Jr. (1919)
Captain Kiddo (1917)
Captain Kidd's Finish (1922)
Captain Kidd’s Kids (1919)
Captain Kidd’s Kittens (1927)
Captain Kidd’s Priceless Treasures (1914)
Captain Kidd, the Bold (1914)
Captain Lash (1928)
Captain Macklin (1915)
Captain Midnight, The Bush King (1911)
Captain Moonlite (1911)
The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop (1917)
Captain of the Pinafore (1906)
Captain Salvation (1927)
Captain Starlight; or, Gentleman of the Road (1911)
Captain Suds (1925)
Captain Swagger (1928)
[Captain Umpteblojowski] (192?)
Captivating Mary Carstairs (1915)
The Captive (1915)
The Captive God (1916)
Captured by Aboriginals (1913)
Captured by Mexicans (1914)
The Capture of Aquinaldo (1913)
Capture of a Spanish Fort Near Santiago (1898)
The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga (1911)
The Capture of New York (1912)
The Capture of Rattlesnake Ike (1911)
Capture of the Biddle Brothers (1902)
The Capture of the Burglar (1910)
Capture of the “Panama” (1898)
Capture of ‘Yegg’ Bank Burglars (1904)
Capturing a Canadian Lynx (1921)
Capturing a Koala Bear (1921)
The Capturing of David Dunne (1913)
The Caravan (1916)
[The Caravan of Drzynala] (192?)
[The Carbuncle Queen] (19??)
The Cardboard Baby (1909)
The Cardboard Box (1923)
The Cardboard Lover (1928)
The Card Game (1920)
Cardigan (1922)
Cardinal Richelieu’s Ward (1914)
The Cardinal’s Conspiracy (1909)
Cardinal Wolsey (1912)
A Card of Introduction (1911)
A Career of Crime (1900)
Careers (1929)
Careful Please (1926)
The Careless Age (1929)
The Caretaker’s Daughter (1925)
La Carezza del vampiro (1918)
Cargo from Jamaica (1933)
Le carillon de minuit (1922)
Carlisle vs. Johns Hopkins (1911)
Carlos und Elisabeth (1924)
Carlotta the Bean Stringer (1914)
Carmaux, défournage du coke (1896)
Carmen (1907)
Carmen (1907)
Carmen (190?)
Carmen (1909)
Carmen (1910)
Carmen (1913)
Carmen (1913)
Carmen (191?)
Carmen (1915)
Carmen (1915)
Carmen (1915)
Carmen (1918)
Carmen (1926)
Carmen: Air du toréador (1910)
Carmencita (1894)
[A Carmen in Danger] (1907)
Carmen, Jr. (1923)
Carmen of the Isles (1912)
Carmen of the Klondike (1918)
Die Carmen von St. Pauli (1928)
Le Carnaval des Vérités (1920)
Carnival (1921)
[Carnival at Nice] (1897)
The Carnival Dance (1894)
The Car of Chance (1917)
Carolynne Snowden and Company (1927)
Caro Nome (1926)
Caros død (1906)
[Carouge the Ghoul; or, The Adventuress] (1913)
Carpentier and Gunboat Smith (1914)
Carpentier-Wells Fight (1913)
Carpentier-Willie Lewis Fight (1912)
The Carpet From Bagdad (1915)
Carrie From Lancashire (1928)
Carrie Nation Smashing a Saloon (1901)
Carry On Sergeant (1928)
Car Shy (1927)
Carska faworyta (1918)
Carson and Shean (1926)
The Carter Case (1919)
Les cartes vivantes (1905)
Cartoon Factory (1924)
Cartoonland (1921)
Cartoons in a Hotel (1915)
Cartoons in a Seminary (1915)
Cartoons in the Country (1915)
Cartoons on Tour (1915)
Cary Maple Sugar Company (1927)
Casanova (1927)
Casanova (1928)
[The Cascade (Geneva Exposition)] (1896)
A Case at Law (1917)
Case Dismissed (1924)
A Case for Sherlock Holmes (1911)
The Case of Becky (1915)
The Case of Becky (1921)
A Case of Comfort (1918)
A Case of Identity (1921)
The Case of Lady Camber (1920)
The Case of Lena Smith (1929)
A Case of Seltzer (1909)
The Case of the Missing Girl (1913)
The Case of the Pigtail (1923)
Casey and His Neighbor’s Goat (1903)
Casey at the Bat (1899)
Casey at the Bat (1913)
Casey at the Bat (1915)
Casey at the Bat (1916)
Casey at the Bat (1922)
Casey at the Bat (1927)
Casey Jones (1927)
The Casey Millions (1922)
Casey of the Coast Guard (1926)
Casey’s Vendetta (1914)
Cash Customers (1920)
Cash Customers (1928)
Cash Parrish’s Pal (1915)
Casper’s Week End (1928)
La cassette de l’emigrée (1912)
Cassidy (1917)
Cast Amid Boomerang Throwers (1913)
The Castaway (1912)
The Castaways (1909)
Caste (1915)
Il Castello del Ragno (1915)
Castinet Dance (1898)
The Casting Couch (1924)
Castles for Two (1917)
Cast Up By the Sea (1907)
Catalina, Here I Come (1927)
The Cat and the Canary (1912)
The Cat and the Canary (1927)
The Cat and the Monkey (1921)
The Cat and the Swordfish (1922)
[The Cat Burglar] (191?)
Catch-as-Catch-Can (1927)
Catching an Early Train (1901)
Catch My Smoke (1922)
[Catch the Kid] (1907)
Cat, Dog and Co. (1929)
The Catholic Centennial Parade (1908)
The Cat’s Meow (1924)
The Cat’s Pajamas (1926)
A Cattle Drive in County Galway (1908)
Cattle Driven to Slaughter (1987)
A Cattle Queen’s Romance (1915)
The Cattle Rustlers (1908)
Le cauchemar (1896)
Caught, A Detective Story (1908)
Caught Bluffing (1922)
Caught by Wireless (1908)
Caught in a Cabaret (1914)
Caught in a Flue (1914)
Caught in a Taxi (1929)
Caught in the Act (1911)
Caught in the Act (1915)
Caught in the End (1917)
Caught in the End (1917)
Caught in the Fog (1928)
Caught in the Park (1915)
Caught in the Rain (1914)
Caught in the Undertow (1902)
Caught in the Web of Intrigue (1914)
Caught in Tights (1914)
Caught Napping (1897)
Caught with the Goods (1911)
Caught with the Goods (1917)
The Cause of the Great European War (1914)
The Cavalier (1928)
The Cavalier’s Dream (1898)
Cavalleria rusticana (1916)
Cavalleria rusticana (1924)
[Cavalry Horses Led to Be Watered] (189?)
[The Cavalry Sham Battle] (1896)
Cavanaugh of the Forest Rangers (1918)
The Cave Girl (1921)
The Cavell Case (1918)
The Cave Man (1912)
The Cave Man (1915)
The Cave Man (1926)
A Cave Man Wooing (1912)
La caverne maudite (1898)
C.D. (1914)
Cecilia of the Pink Roses (1918)
Ce cochon de Morin (1924)
The Celebrated Case (1910)
A Celebrated Case (1914)
Celebrity (1928)
Celeste (1916)
Celui qui reste (1915)
Cendrillon (1899)
Cendrillon (1905)
Cenere (1916)
Cenerentola (1913)
The Centaurs (191?)
Central Park (1896)
Ce que les flots racontent (1916)
A Certain Rich Man (1921)
A Certain Young Man (1928)
C’est la faute à Rosalie (1911)
C’est le printemps (1916)
C’est Papa qui prend la purge (1906)
C’est pour les orphelins (1917)
The Chadford Diamonds (1915)
Chain Lightning (1927)
The Chain of Evidence (1916)
La Chaise à porteurs enchantée (1905)
The Chalice of Courage (1915)
The Chalice of Sorrow (1916)
The Challenge (1922)
The Challenge (1922)
The Chamber Mystery (1920)
Chamonix: Arrivée en voitures des breaks d’excursion (1901)
The Champ (1921)
The Champ (19??)
Champagne (1928)
The Champeen (1923)
The Champion (1913)
The Champion (1915)
Champion of Lost Causes (1925)
Champi-Tortu (1921)
Champs-Elysées (1896)
Champs-Elysées (1896)
A Chance Deception (1913)
A Chance Shot (1911)
’chand d’habits (1897)
Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness (1927)
Chang and the Law (1920)
[Change of Guard — St. James’ Palace] (189?)
A Change of Heart (1909)
A Change of Luck (1915)
A Change of Spirit (1912)
A Change of Stripes (1912)
Changing Husbands (1924)
The Changing of Silas Warner (1911)
[The Changing of the Guard, Unter den Linden] (1896)
Changing the Cook (1911)
The Changing Woman (1918)
The Channel Raiders (1922)
The Channel Swim (1926)
Channing of the Northwest (1922)
Chantecoq (1916)
Chanteuse japonaise (1899)
Un chapeau de paille d’Italie (1928)
Chapeaux à transformations (1895)
Chaplie Charlin, Special Constable (1915)
[Chaplin-Lauder Charity Film] (1918)
A Chapter From the Life of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1920)
A Chapter in Her Life (1923)
Character Studies (1923)
La charcuterie méchnique (1895)
Charge of Boer Cavalry (1900)
Charge of Boer Cavalry (1900)
[Charge of Cavalry in France] (1897)
The Charge of the Gauchos (1928)
Charge of the Light Brigade (1912)
The Charge of the Light Brigade (1914)
[The Charge of the Seventh French Cuirassiers] (1896)
Charge of West Point Cadets (1896)
Charity (1916)
Charity Ann (1915)
Charity Ball (1897)
The Charity Ball (1914)
The Charlatan (1916)
The Charlatan (1929)
Charles A. Lindbergh (1927)
Charles Augustus Milverton (1922)
Charles R. Taggart “The Old Country Fiddler” At the Singing School (1923)
Charles VI (1911)
Charleston Dance (1927)
Charleston Flood and Hurricane (1911)
The Charleston Kid (192?)
Charley Colms (1912)
[Charley Colms and the Knave of Spades] (1912)
Charley My Boy! (1926)
Charley on the Farm (1919)
Charley Out West (1919)
Charley’s Aunt (1925)
Charley’s Holiday (1912)
Charley Smiler Joins the Boy Scouts (1911)
Charlie at the Show (1916)
Charlie Chaplin in “A Son of the Gods” (191?)
[The Charlie Chaplin Revue] (1918)
Charlie in a Harem (191?)
Charlie in Cuckoo Land (1915)
Charlie in India (1915)
Charlie in the Wilds (1915)
Charlie’s Busted Romance (1915)
Charlie the Busy Barber (1915)
Charlie the Chef (1915)
Charlie Throws the Bull (1915)
Charlotte Corday (1914)
Charlotte Löwensköld (1930)
Charmaine (1928)
The Charmer (1917)
The Charmer (1925)
Charming Sinners (1929)
A Charming Villain (1916)
The Charm School (1921)
The Chased Bride (1923)
Chased by Bloodhounds (1912)
Chased by Dogs (1904)
Chase Me, Charlie (1917)
The Chaser (1928)
Chase Yourself (1926)
Chasse aux cerfs à Java (1909)
Chasing Rainbows (1919)
Chasing Rainbows (1927)
Chasing the Chaser (1925)
Chasing Trouble (1926)
[Chasles] (1900)
Le chasseur de chez Maxim’s (1927)
Les chasseurs de lions (1913)
Le château de la peur (1912)
Le château hanté (1897)
Chatollets hemmelighed (1913)
La chatte métamorphosée en femme (1909)
The Chauffeur (1921)
Chauncey DePew (1925)
Chauncey Proves a Good Detective (1908)
[La chauve souris] (1925)
Cheaper to Marry (1925)
The Cheapest Way (1913)
Cheap Kisses (1924)
The Cheat (1915)
The Cheat (1923)
Cheated Hearts (1921)
Cheated Love (1921)
The Cheater (1920)
The Cheater Reformed (1921)
The Cheaters (1930)
Cheating Cheaters (1919)
Cheating Cheaters (1927)
Cheating the Piper (1920)
The Chechahcos (1924)
Checkers (1913)
Checkers (1919)
The Cheerful Fraud (1927)
The Cheer Leader (1928)
Cheer Up (1924)
The Cheese Industry (1915)
The Cheese Special (1913)
The Cheeseville Cops (1914)
The Chef (1921)
The Chef’s Downfall (1912)
Chelovek iz restorana (1927)
Chelovek s kinoapparatom (1929)
Chelovek-zver’ (1917)
Chelsea 7750 (1913)
Chemi bebia (1929)
Chemical Ko-Ko (1929)
Le chemin d’Ernoa (1921)
Le chemineau (1905)
[The Chemist] (1930)
Cherbourg: Débarquement des souverains russes (1896)
The Cherry Pickers (1914)
A Chess Dispute (1903)
The Chest of Fortune (1914)
Le cheval emballé (1907)
Le Chevalier Barkas (1925)
Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge (1912)
Les chevaux de bois (1896)
Cheyenne (1929)
Cheyenne’s Pal (1917)
La chica de la calle Florida (1922)
La chica del gato (192?)
Chicago (1927)
Chicago After Midnight (1928)
Chicago: Defile de policemen (1897)
Chicago Fire Dept. (19??)
Chicago Fire Run (1900)
[Chicago Police Parade] (1896)
Chicago Police Parade (1900)
Chichi (1923)
Chick-Chick (1921)
Chicken a la Cabaret (1919)
Chicken a la King (1928)
The Chicken Chaser (1914)
Chicken Feathers (1927)
Chicken Feed (1927)
Chicken Hearted Jim (1916)
The Chicken Hunters (1919)
Chickens (1921)
Chickens in Turkey (1919)
The Chicken Thief (1904)
Chicken Thieves (1897)
Chickie (1925)
[Chic Sale] (192?)
The Chief (191?)
The Chief Cook (1917)
The Chief Inspector (1915)
The Chief’s Blanket (1912)
The Chief’s Daughter (1911)
The Chief’s Daughter (1911)
The Chief’s Love Affair (1914)
The Chief’s Predicament (1913)
The Chieftain’s Sons (1913)
Un chien Andalou (1928)
Le chien de Montargis (1909)
Chien-men Gate, Pekin (1901)
Chiens contrebandiers (1906)
Les chiens et ses services (1908)
Le Chiffonier (1896)
Le Chiffonier de Paris (1924)
Chignon d’or (1916)
Chikemuri Takadanobaba (1928)
Chikyodai (1932)
The Childhood of Jack Harkaway (1910)
A Child of God (1915)
A Child of Mystery (1916)
A Child of the Desert (1914)
A Child of the Forest (1909)
A Child of the Ghetto (1910)
A Child of the Paris Streets (1916)
Child of the Prairie (1913)
The Child of the Sea (1913)
A Child of the Sea (1915)
The Child of the Tenements (1912)
A Child of the West (1912)
The Child of Two Mothers (1910)
[Children — Cat and Dog] (1897)
Children in the House (1916)
Children in the Nursery (1896)
Children in the Surf, Coney Island (1904)
Children of All Lands (1927)
Children of Banishment (1919)
Children of Chance (1915)
Children of Destiny (1914)
Children of Divorce (1927)
Children of Dust (1923)
Children of Eve (1915)
Children of Jazz (1923)
Children of the Feud (1916)
Children of the Ghetto (1915)
Children of the Netherlands (1915)
Children of the Tenements (1913)
Children of the Whirlwind (1925)
Children Paddling at the Seaside (1897)
The Children Pay (1916)
The Children’s Folk Dancing Fete (1915)
The Children’s Friend (1909)
The Children’s Hour (1913)
Children Who Labor (1912)
Child Robbers (1907)
A Child’s Faith (1910)
A Child’s Impulse (1910)
A Child’s Prayer; or, The Good Samaritan (1908)
A Child’s Remorse (1912)
A Child’s Stratagem (1910)
The Child Stealers (1904)
The Child Thou Gavest Me (1914)
The Child Thou Gavest Me (1921)
The Chimes (1914)
The Chimes of Normandy (1913)
Chimmie Fadden (1915)
Chimmie Fadden Out West (1915)
The Chimney’s Secret (1915)
The Chimney Sweep and the Miller (1900)
China (191?)
The Chinaman (1920)
China Slaver (1929)
Chinatown Charlie (1928)
China Town My China Town (1929)
The Chinatown Mystery (1928)
Chinatown Nights (1929)
Chinatown Slavery (1909)
The Chinese Bungalow (1926)
[The Chinese Commission in Copenhagen] (1906)
A Chinese Honeymoon (191?)
The Chinese Honeymoon (1920)
Chinese Massacring Christians (1900)
The Chinese Parrot (1927)
A Chinese Puzzle (1913)
[The Chinese Revolution] (1912)
The Chinese Smugglers (1912)
[Chinese Variety Performer with a Ukulele] (192?)
Chiny i liudi (1929)
A Chip Off the Old Block (1913)
A Chip Off the Old Block (1919)
Chip of the Flying U (1914)
Chip of the Flying U (1926)
Chirgwin in His Humorous Business (1896)
Chirgwin Plays a Scotch Reel (1896)
Chirgwin, the White-Eyed Kaffir (1896)
Chlopi (1922)
Chocolate Dynamite (1914)
Choose Your Weapons (1922)
Choosing a Husband (1909)
Choosing a Wife (1903)
Chop Suey (1922)
Chop Suey and Co. (1919)
Chorus, Gentlemen! (1906)
Chorus, Gentlemen! (1926)
[A Chorus Girl’s Romance] (1913)
The Chorus Girl’s Romance (1920)
The Chorus Lady (1915)
The Chorus Lady (1924)
Chosen (192?)
Le Christ en Croix (1910)
The Christian (1911)
The Christian (1914)
The Christian (1915)
The Christian (1923)
Christian den IV’s Bygningsvaerker (191?)
The Christian Herald’s Relief Station, Havana (1898)
[The Christian Martyrs] (1912)
Christians Awake! (1907)
Christian Schrøder i Biograf-Teater (1910)
Christie Johnstone (1921)
Christine of the Big Tops (1926)
Le Christ marchant sur les eaux (1899)
A Christmas Accident (1912)
The Christmas Burglars (1908)
A Christmas Carol (1910)
Christmas Day in the Workhouse (1914)
Christmas Eve Dream (1908)
[Christmas in Wartime] (191?)
Christmas Morning (1897)
Christmas Presents (1912)
A Christmas Revenge (1915)
The Christmas Spirit (1914)
The Christmas Tree Party (1897)
Christophe Columb (1904)
Christus (1914)
Christus (1916)
Christy Mathewson, N.Y. National League Baseball Team (1907)
[Chronophone Sound Film] (191?)
Le chrysanthèmes (1907)
Chu-Chin-Chow (1923)
Chudotvorets (1922)
Chuji tabi nikki: Koshu tate hen (1927)
Chuji tabi nikki: Shinshu kessho hen (1927)
Chuji tabi nikki: Daisanbu Goyohen (1927)
Chumming With the Animals (1926)
Chumps (1912)
Chumps and Chances (1917)
Chun can (1933)
Church Parade from “The Catch of the Season” (1907)
The Church With an Overshot-Wheel (1920)
Chûsingura (1913)
Chûsingura (1913)
La chute de la maison Usher (1928)
Chyortovo kolesco (1926)
Le Cid (1900)
La cigale et la fourmi (1909)
A Cigarette-Maker’s Romance (1913)
Cinderella (1911)
Cinderella (1911)
Cinderella (1914)
Cinderella (1922)
Cinderella (1923)
Cinderella and the Boob (1913)
Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother (1898)
Cinderella Cinders (1920)
The Cinderella Man (1917)
Cinderella of the Hills (1921)
Cinderella Up-to-Date (1909)
Cinders of Love (1916)
A Cinema Girl’s Romance (1915)
The Cinema Murder (1919)
Cinema Stars, No. 16 (1925)
Cirano di Bergerac (1909)
Cirano di Bergerac (1923)
Circe the Enchantress (1924)
The Circle (1925)
Circle 17 (191?)
Circuit de Dieppe 1907 (1907)
Circuit de Dieppe 1908 (1908)
Circular Panorama of Electric Tower (1901)
Circular Panorama of Market St. and Stockton (1906)
The Circular Staircase (1915)
Circumstance (1922)
A Circumstantial Hero (1913)
The Circus (1920)
The Circus (1928)
The Circus Ace (1927)
The Circus and the Boy (1914)
Circus Clowns (1922)
The Circus Cowboy (1924) A Circus Cyclone (1917)
The Circus Cyclone (1925)
Circus Days (1923)
Circus Fever (1925)
Circus Jim (1922)
The Circus Kid (1928)
The Circus Man (1914)
Circus Mary (1915)
The Circus of Life (1917)
Circus Rookies (1928)
Circus Today (1926)
Cissy Fitzgerald (1896)
Cities of Japan: Yokohama, Nara and Kyoto (1913)
A Citizen in the Making (1912)
Citoyen Simon (19??)
The City (191?)
The City (1916)
The City Beautiful (1914)
The City Gone Wild (1927)
City Lights (1931)
The City of Beautiful Nonsense (1919)
The City of Masks (1920)
City of Play (1929)
City of Silent Men (1921)
[The City of Singapore] (1911)
The City of Stars (1925)
The City of Tears (1918)
The City Slicker (1918)
A City’s Milk Supply (1916)
The Civilian (1912)
Civilian Clothes (1920)
La civilisation à travers les âges (1907)
Civilization (1916)
Civilized and Savage (1913)
The Claim (1918)
The Claim Jumper (1913)
The Claim of Honor (1915)
Un Clair de Lune sous Richelieu (1911)
Clancy at the Bat (1929)
Clancy’s Kosher Wedding (1927)
Clansmen of the North (1923)
Clapham and Dwyer, No. 1 (1929)
Clapham and Dwyer, No. 2 (1929)
Clara Cleans Her Teeth (1926)
[Claremont Theatre, N.Y.] (1915)
Clarence (1922)
Clarence (192?)
Clarence, Crooks and Chivalry (1919)
Clark’s Capture of Kaskaskia (1911)
Clark’s Thread Mill (1896)
The Clash of Steel (1917)
Clash of the Wolves (1925)
Classified (1925)
Classmates (1908)
Classmates (1914)
Classmates (1924)
[The Claw] (191?)
The Claw (1918)
The Claw (1927)
The Claws of Greed (1914)
The Clean Heart (1924)
Cleaning Up (1925)
The Clean-Up (1915)
The Clean-Up (1917)
The Clean Up (1921)
The Clean-Up (1922)
The Clean Up (1923)
The Clean-up Man (1928)
Clearing Land for Farming the West (1912)
Clearing the Trail (1928)
Clear the Decks (1929)
Cleek of Scotland Yard (1914)
The Clemenceau Case (1915)
[Cleopatra] (1903)
[Cleopatra] (1910)
Cleopatra (1912)
[Cleopatra] (1913)
[Cleopatra] (1913)
Cleopatra (1917)
Cleopatra (1920)
Cleopatra (1928)
Cleopatra and Her Easy Mark (1923)
Cleopatra and Her Easy Mark (1925)
Cléopatre (1899)
Cleopatsy (1918)
Cleo to Cleopatra (1928)
The Clerk (1914)
Clever Cubs (1920)
A Clever Dummy (1917)
[The Clew of the Broken Finger] (191?)
The Climber (1917)
The Climbers (1915)
The Climbers (1919)
The Climbers (1927)
The Clinging Vine (1926)
Les cloches de Pâques (1912)
The Clock (1917)
The Clock (1921)
The Clock Stopped (1913)
The Clodhopper (1917)
Clog Dancing (1898)
The Cloister and the Hearth (1913)
The Cloister’s Touch (1910)
Clonk! (1928)
A Close Call (1912)
A Close Call (1929)
A Close Call (1929)
Close Harmony (1929)
A Close Shave (1901)
A Close Shave (1910)
A Close Shave (1920)
The Closing Web (1914)
Closin’ In (1918)
Clothes (1914)
Clothes Make the Pirate (1925)
The Cloud Dodger (1928)
A Clouded Name (1923)
The Cloudhopper (1925)
The Cloud Patrol (1929)
The Cloud Rider (1925)
Clover’s Rebellion (1917)
The Clown (1927)
The Clown and the Alchemist (1900)
The Clown Barber (1898)
[Clown Charly] (1919)
The Clown Doctor (1907)
Le clown et le pacha (1910)
The Clown’s Little Brother (1920)
A Clown’s Love Story (1907)
The Clown’s Pup (1919)
The Club Cure (1913)
The Club-Man and the Crook (1912)
The Clubman and the Tramp (1908)
The Clubman’s Wager (1915)
Club Party and Police (1898)
The Club Pest (1915)
The Club Raid (1898)
Clubs Are Trump (1917)
The Clue (1915)
The Clue of the New Pin (1929)
The Clue of the Second Goblet (1928)
The Clutching Hand (192?)
Clyde Doerr and His All Saxophone Orchestra (1929)
[Clyde Doerr and His Sax-o-phone Sextet] (192?)
Coaching Party, Yosemite Valley (1901)
The Coal Heavers (1904)
The Coast of Folly (1925)
The Coast of Opportunity (1920)
The Coast Patrol (1925)
A Coat’s Tale (1914)
A Coat Tale (1915)
The Cobbler (1923)
The Cobbler and the Caliph (1909)
Cobra (1925)
The Cobweb (1917)
Cocaine (1922)
Cockeyed Clown (19??)
The Cock-Eyed World (1929)
Cock Fight (1894)
Cock Fight (1894)
Cocoanut Fair (1897)
The Cocoanuts (1929)
The Code of Honor (1909)
The Code of Honor (1911)
The Code of Marcia Gray (1916)
Code of the Air (1928)
Code of the Cow Country (1927)
Code of the Range (1927)
The Code of the Scarlet (1928)
Code of the Sea (1924)
Code of the West (1925)
The Code of the West (1929)
Code of the Wilderness (1924)
Coeur de femme (1913)
Coeur de Française (1916)
Le coeur et l’argent (1912)
Coeur fidèle (1923)
The Coffee Stall (1927)
The Coffin Ship (1911)
Le coffret de Tolède (1914)
Cohen Collects a Debt (1912)
Cohen on the Telephone (1923)
Cohen on the Telephone (1929)
Cohen’s Advertising Scheme (1904)
The Cohens and the Kellys (1926)
The Cohens and the Kellys in Atlantic City (1929)
The Cohens and the Kellys in Paris (1928)
Cohen Saves the Flag (1913)
Cohen’s Fire Sale (1907)
Cohen’s Outing (1913)
Coil Winding Section E, Westinghouse Works (1904)
Coincidence (1915)
Coincidence (1921)
The Cold Deck (1917)
Cold Feet (1922)
Cold Hearts and Hot Flames (1916)
The Cold Homestead (1923)
Cold Turkey (1925)
Collars and Cuffs (1923)
Colleen (1927)
The Colleen Bawn (1911)
The Colleen Bawn (1911)
The Colleen Bawn (1911)
The Colleen Bawn (1924)
Colleen of the Pines (1922)
College (1927)
The College Boy’s First Love (1907)
A College Chicken (1910)
College Chums (1907)
College Chums (1911)
College Chums (1911)
The College Coquette (1929)
The College Cowboy (1924)
College Days (1915)
College Days (1926)
The College Hero (1927)
College Love (1929)
The College Orphan (1915)
The College Spendthrift (1911)
The College Widow (1915)
The College Widow (1927)
La colle universelle (1907)
Colleurs d’affiches (1897)
The Collie Market (1917)
La collier de la reine (1909)
La collier de la reine (1929)
Colomba (1915)
Colombine (1920)
Col. Heeza Liar at the Bat (1915)
Col. Heeza Liar, Detective (1923)
Col. Heeza Liar, Dog Fancier (1915)
Col. Heeza Liar in Africa (1913)
Col. Heeza Liar Plays Hamlet (1916)
Col. Heeza Liar’s Forbidden Fruit (1923)
Col. Heeza Liar Wins the Pennant (1916)
The Colonel’s Peril (1912)
The Colonel’s Ward (1912)
Colonial Troops Passing Westminster (1898)
Colonial Virginia: Historical Scenes and Incidents Connected with the Founding of Jamestown, Virginia (1907)
Colorado (1915)
Colorado (1921)
Colorado Pluck (1921)
Colored Boys Eat Watermelon (19??)
A Colored Girl’s Love (1914)
Colored Troops Disembarking (1898)
Colored Villainy (1915)
Colosseum at Rome (1903)
Columbia Bicycle Factory (1897)
“Columbia” Winning the Cup (1899)
“Columbia” Winning the Cup (1901)
Columbus (1923)
Comata, the Sioux (1909)
The Combat (1926)
Combat de coqs (1896)
Combat naval en Grèce (1897)
Come Across (1929)
Come Again Smith (1919)
Come Along Do! (1898)
Come and Get It! (1929)
The Come-Back (1916)
The Comeback of Barnacle Bill (1918)
Come Back to Erin (1914)
Come Clean (1922)
A Comedy in Black and White (1908)
A Comedy of Errors (1908)
A Comedy of Errors (1912)
A Comedy of Errors (1915)
[Comedy with Man Playing Dead] (191?)
Come into the Garden, Maud (1909)
Come My Lad and Be a Soldier (1908)
Come On In (1918)
Come On Over (1922)
Come Out of the Kitchen (1919)
Come Seben, Leben (1913)
Come Take a Trip in My Airship (1924)
Come Through (1917)
Comicalamities (1928)
Comic Costume Race (1896)
[Comic Encounter] (1896)
Comic Face (1897)
Comic Grimacer (1902)
Comic Shaving (1897)
Coming an’ Going (1926)
Coming Back (1926)
The Coming-Back of Kit Denver (1912)
The Coming of Amos (1925)
The Coming of Angelo (1913)
The Coming of Columbus (1912)
The Coming of Sunbeam (1913)
Coming Through (1925)
Comin’ Thro’ the Rye (1916)
Comin’ Thro’ the Rye (1924)
Comin’ Thro’ the Rye (1926)
The Commanding Officer (1915)
Commencement Day (1924)
Comment le cinéma se défend contre la grève (1910)
The Common Cause (1919)
Common Clay (1919)
The Common Law (1916)
The Common Law (1923)
A Common Level (1920)
Common Property (1919)
Common Sense Brackett (1916)
The Common Sin (1920)
The Commuters (1915)
Commuting (1917)
Co. “L” Thirty-Third Infantry Going to Firing Line (1899)
Complete Funeral Cortege at Canton, Ohio (1901)
A Complicated Campaign (1912)
Le compositeur toqué (1905)
Compromise (1925)
A Compromising Complication (1913)
Comrade John (1915)
Comrades (1911)
Comradeship (1919)
Comrades Three (1915)
Le comte de Monte Cristo (1918)
Concealing a Burglar (1908)
Conceit (1921)
Concentration (1914)
Concerning $1000 (1916)
Conchita Piquer (1923)
[Concorde Bridge, Paris] (1897)
Concours d’automobiles fleuries (départ) (1899)
Concours de boules (1896)
A Concrete Mix-Up (19??)
Condemned! (1929)
The Condemning Circumstance (1915)
The Condemning Hand (1914)
Conductor 1492 (1924)
Coney Island (1917)
Coney Island (1928)
Coney Island at Night (1905)
The Confederate Ironclad (1912)
The Confession (1910)
The Confession (1914)
The Confession (1915)
Confession (1918)
The Confession (1920)
Confessions of a Queen (1925)
Confidence (1909)
Confidence (1922)
The Confidence Man (1924)
The Conflict (1921)
Congress of Nations (1900)
[The Conjurer] (190?)
The Conjure Woman (1926)
Conjuring Extraordinary (189?)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1921)
Conn, the Shaughraun (1912)
Conquered Hearts (1918)
The Conquering Power (1921)
Conquering the Woman (1922)
The Conqueror (1917)
Conquest (1928)
The Conquest of Canaan (1921)
Conquest of Oil (1921)
À la conquête du pôle (1912)
Conrad in Quest of His Youth (1920)
Conscience (1911)
Conscience (1915)
Conscience (1917)
Conscience de miséreux (1909)
The Conscience of Hassan Bey (1913)
The Conspiracy (1914)
The Constabule (1929)
Constantinople, artillerie turque (1897)
Constantinople, panorama de la corne d’or (1897)
The Constant Nymph (1928)
Consuelo di Capri (1926)
Les contes de mille et une nuits (1921)
The Contest (1923)
Contortionist (1896)
Contraband (1925)
A Convenient Burglar (1911)
The Convent Gate (1913)
La conversion d’Irma (1913)
The Conversion of Frosty Blake (1915)
The Converts (1910)
The Convict and the Curate (1904)
Convict Life in the Ohio Penitentiary (1912)
The Convict’s Bridge (1906)
A Convict’s Child (1911)
A Convict’s Heart (1911)
A Convict’s Heroism (1909)
The Convict’s Parole (1912)
A Convict’s Punishment (1900)
A Convict’s Sacrifice (1909)
Convict 13 (1920)
Convoy (1927)
Conway Castle (1898)
Conway, the Kerry Dancer (1912)
Cooee and the Echo (1912)
The Cook (1918)
Cook County Democracy Parade (1900)
The Cook of Canyon Camp (1917)
Cook, Papa, Cook (1928)
The Coon and the Watermelon (189?)
Coon Town Suffragettes (1914)
Coorab in the Island of Ghosts (1929)
The Cop (1928)
The Cop and the Nurse Girl (1898)
[Copenhagen Participants in the Olympic Games] (190?)
The Copper Beeches (1912)
The Copper Beeches (1921)
The Copperhead (1920)
Cops (1922)
Cops and Cussedness (1917)
The Coquette (1910)
Coquette (1929)
La coquille et le clergyman (1928)
Corbett and Courtenay Before the Kinetograph (1894)
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight (1897)
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight (1897)
Cordelia the Magnificent (1923)
The Cord of Life (1909)
The Co-respondent (1917)
Cork and Vicinity (1912)
A Corner in Colleens (1916)
A Corner in Cotton (1916)
A Corner in Hats (1914)
A Corner in Wheat (1909)
Corner Madison and State Streets, Chicago (1897)
[Cornet Soloist] (1904)
The Cornfields Quartette (1900)
[Coronation in Trondhjem] (1906)
[The Coronation of Czar Nicholas II] (1896)
The Coronation of George V (1911)
The Coronation of Their Majesties King Edward VII and Queen Alexandria (1902)
The Coronation Procession (189?)
[The Coroner’s Mistake] (1907)
Corporal Jim’s Ward (1921)
Corporal Kate (1926)
The Corporal’s Daughter (1915)
La corsa alla scimmia (1909)
The Corset Model (1899)
The Corsican Brothers (1898)
The Corsican Brothers (1909)
The Corsican Brothers (1920)
The Corsican Brothers Up to Date (1915)
The Corsican Sisters (1916)
Cortège arabe (1896)
Cortège du Tsar allant à Versailles (1896)
The Cossacks (1928)
The Cossack Whip (1916)
[Cossira] (1900)
The Costers’ Holiday (1914)
The Coster’s Honeymoon (1912)
The Coster’s Serenade (1906)
A Costly Exchange (1915)
The Cost of a Kiss (1917)
The Cost of Carelessness (1913)
The Cost of High Living (1916)
Cosy Corner Girl (1907)
A Cottage on Dartmoor (1929)
Couche Dance on the Midway (1901)
Counsel for the Defense (1925)
The Count (1916)
The Count and the Cowboys (1912)
Counterfeit (1919)
The Counterfeit Earl (1916)
The Counterfeiter (1913)
The Counterfeiters (1905)
The Counterfeiter’s Daughter (1914)
The Counterfeit Trail (1919)
The Counter Jumper (1922)
Countess Bloggie (191?)
[Countess Julia] (192?)
Countess Sweedie (1914)
The Count of Luxembourg (1926)
The Count of Monte Cristo (1913)
The Count of Ten (1928)
The Country Beyond (1926)
A Country Cattle Show (189?)
The Country Circus (1915)
A Country Cupid (1911)
The Country Doctor (1909)
The Country Doctor (1927)
The Country Flapper (1922)
A Country Girl’s Seminary Life and Experiences (1908)
A Country Hero (1917)
The Country Kid (1923)
The Country Lovers (1911)
The Countryman and the Cinematograph (1901)
The Country Parson (1915)
The Country That God Forgot (1916)
The Count’s Wooing (1909)
Count the Votes (1919)
Count Twenty (1915)
The County Chairman (1914)
The County Fair (1920)
Count Your Change (1919)
Le coupable (1917)
Le coup de fakir (1915)
Un coup de vent (1906)
Un coup d’oeil par étage (1904)
A Couple of Lightweights at Coney Island (1904)
Courage (1921)
The Courage of Collins (1927)
The Courage of Marge O’Doone (1920)
Courage of Sorts (1911)
Courage of Sorts (1913)
The Courage of the Commonplace (1913)
The Courage of the Commonplace (1917)
The Courageous Coward (1919)
The Courageous Coward (1924)
Couronnement de la rosière (1896)
Le courrier de Lyon (1911)
La course à l’abîme (1915)
La course à la perruque (1905)
La course au potiron (1906)
La course aux millions (1912)
La course des belles-mères (1907)
La course des potirons (1907)
La course des sergents de ville (1907)
Course de taureaux (1900)
La course en sac (189?)
The Course of True Love (1907)
The Course of True Love (1910)
[The Course of True Love] (191?)
Courses d’ensemble des régates (rameurs assis) (1900)
The Court Film (1917)
Court House Crooks (1915)
The Courting of Mary (1911)
The Courtin’ of Caliope Clew (1916)
[A Court Intrigue in the Reign of Henry VIII] (1911)
Courtin’ Wildcats (1929)
Court-Martial (1928)
Court Plaster (1924)
Courtship of Miles Sandwich (1923)
The Courtship of Myles Standish (1923)
The Courtship of O San (1914)
Cousin Clara’s Cook Book (1915)
Cousin Jim (1916)
Cousin Pons (1914)
Cousin Pons (1924)
Cousins of Sherlocko (1913)
The Covered Schooner (1923)
The Covered Wagon (1923)
Covered Wagon Trails (1930)
The Coveted Prize (1913)
The Coward (1915)
The Coward (1927)
Cowardice Court (1919)
The Cowardly Way (1915)
Coward of Covelo (1921)
A Coward’s Atonement (1913)
Cowboy Ambrose (19??)
The Cowboy and the Artist (1911)
The Cowboy and the Countess (1926)
The Cowboy and the Flapper (1924)
The Cowboy and the Lady (1915)
The Cowboy and the Lady (1917)
The Cowboy and the Lady (1922)
The Cowboy and the Outlaw (1929)
The Cowboy and the Shrew (1911)
Cowboy Clem (1915)
The Cowboy Coward (1912)
A Cowboy Elopement (1908)
The Cowboy Kid (1912)
The Cowboy Millionaire (1913)
The Cowboy Musketeer (1925)
The Cowboy Prince (1924)
Cowboy’s Adopted Child (1912)
The Cowboys and the Bachelor Girls (1910)
The Cowboy’s Best Girl (1912)
The Cowboys’ Chicken Dinner (1914)
The Cowboy’s Conquest (1915)
The Cowboy Sheik (1924)
A Cowboy’s Proposal (1912)
Cowboy’s Race for a Wife (1910)
The Cowboy’s Ruse (1911)
A Cowboy’s Sacrifice (1911)
A Cowboy’s Sweetheart (1915)
Cowboy Versus Tenderfoot (1912)
The Cow Girl’s Pranks (1911)
The Cowpuncher (1915)
The Cowpuncher’s Comeback (1921)
Cows and Cuddles (1921)
The Crab (1917)
Cracked Ice (1922)
Cracked Ice (1927)
The Crackerjack (1925)
Crack o’ Dawn (1925)
The Cracksman’s Gratitude (1914)
Crack Your Heels (1919)
The Cradle (1922)
The Cradle Buster (1922)
The Cradle of Courage (1920)
Cradle Robbers (1924)
The Cradle Snatchers (1927)
Craig’s Wife (1928)
Crainquebille (1923)
Cramps (1916)
The Crash (1928)
Crashing Through (1928)
Crashin’ Thru (1923)
The Craving (1916)
The Craving (1918)
Crayono (1907)
Crazy Doings (1929)
Crazy Feet (1929)
Crazy Gulch (1911)
Crazy House (1928)
Crazy Like a Fox (1926)
A Crazy Quilt (1907)
Crazy to Act (1927)
Crazy to Marry (1921)
Creaking Stairs (1919)
A Cream Puff Romance (1916)
Creation (1921)
Creation (1922)
The Creators of “Foxy Grandpa” (1902)
Credo ou la tragédie de Lourdes (1924)
[Crespinel Stereoscopic Film] (1921)
Cretinelli protettore dell’innocenza (1910)
Cretinetti sulle Alpi (1909)
The Cricket (1917)
Cricket on Board the Ophir (189?)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1909)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1914)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1914)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1923)
[Crime and Punishment] (191?)
Le crime du grand-père (1910)
The Crime of Cain (1914)
[The Crime of Camara; or, The Detective’s Daughter] (191?)
The Crime of Carelessness (1912)
The Criminal (1916)
The Criminal Cried (1907)
The Criminal Hypnotist (1909)
The Criminal Path (1914)
[The Criminals] (1913)
[The Criminals] (191?)
Criminology and Reform (1914)
The Crimson Canyon (1928)
The Crimson Challenge (1922)
The Crimson Circle (1922)
The Crimson City (1928)
The Crimson Clue (1922)
The Crimson Flash (1927)
The Crimson Moth (1915)
The Crimson Runner (1925)
Crimson Scars (1911)
Crimson Shoals (1919)
The Crimson Skull (1922)
The Crimson Stain (1913)
The Crimson Stain Mystery (1916)
The Crimson Wing (1915)
The Crimson Yoke (1916)
Crinoline and Romance (1923)
Cripple Creek Bar-Room Scene (1899)
The Crippled Hand (1916)
The Crippled Teddy Bear (1910)
The Crisis (1912)
The Crisis (1913)
The Crisis (1916)
Crissie Sheridan (1897)
Cristeaux (1928)
The Critic (1906)
La croisière noire (1926)
Cronin, American Club Manipulator (1896)
Cronin with Three Clubs (1896)
The Crook and the Girl (1913)
The Crook Buster (1925)
Crooked Alley (1923)
The Crooked Billet (1929)
The Crooked Man (1923)
The Crooked Road (1911)
Crooked Straight (1919)
Crooked Streets (1920)
Crooked to the End (1915)
A Crook’s Romance (1921)
Crooky (1915)
Crosby’s Rest Cure (1916)
The Cross Bearer (1918)
Cross Breed (1927)
Cross Currents (1916)
Crossed Love and Swords (1915)
Crossed Signals (1926)
Crossed Wires (1915)
Crossed Wires (1915)
Crossed Wires (1923)
Crossing the American Prairies in the Early Fifties (1911)
Crossing the Great Sagrada (1924)
Crossing the Great Sahara (1924)
Crossing Trails (1921)
The Cross of Pearls (1911)
Cross Roads (1922)
The Crossroads of New York (1922)
Cross Your Heart (1912)
The Crowd (1928)
The Crowded Hour (1925)
Crown Me (1928)
Crown of Lies (1926)
[Crown of Thorns] (191?)
The Crown Prince’s Double (1916)
The Crow’s Nest (1922)
The Crucible (1914)
Cruel, Cruel Love (1914)
Cruel, Cruel World! (1914)
The Cruise of Fate (1916)
The Cruise of the “Gladys” (1906)
The Cruise of the Hellion (1927)
The Cruise of the Jasper B. (1926)
[The Cruise of the Moewe] (191?)
Cruiser “Detroit” (1898)
Cruiskeen Lawn (1922)
The Crusader (1922)
Crushed (1924)
The Crusher (1917)
A Cry for Help (1912)
The Cry of Erin (1916)
The Cry of the Children (1912)
The Cry of the Nighthawk (1923)
The Crystal Ball (1914)
The Crystal’s Warning (1916)
A Császár Katinái (1918)
Cuando fui león (1928)
The Cub (1915)
Cuba Libre (189?)
Cuban Ambush (1898)
Cuban Reconcentrados (1898)
[Cuban Sound Documentary] (1926)
The Cuckoo’s Secret (1922)
Cud nad Wisla (1921)
Le Cuirassé Main (1898)
A Cumberland Romance (1920)
The Cup Final Mystery (1914)
Cupid (1907)
Cupid and Psyche (1897)
Cupid and the Cook (1913)
Cupid and the Pest (1915)
Cupid at the Washtub (1897)
Cupid Beats Father (1915)
Cupid Camouflaged (1918)
Cupid Entangled (1915)
Cupid in a Dental Parlor (1913)
Cupid Kicks a Goal (1914)
Cupid’s Barometer (1907)
Cupid’s Boots (1925)
Cupid’s Day Off (1919)
Cupid’s Fireman (1923)
Cupid’s Joke (1911)
Cupid’s Pocketbook (1911)
Cupid’s Pranks (1908)
Cupid’s Realm; or, A Game of Hearts (1908)
Cupid’s Rival (1917)
Cupid’s Round Up (1918)
Cupid’s Rustler (1924)
Cupid, the Cowpuncher (1920)
Cupid Versus Cigarettes (1912)
Cupid Versus Women’s Rights (1913)
Cupid Works Overtime (191?)
The Cup of Life (1915)
The Cup of Life (1921)
The Cup Winner (1911)
The Cure (1913)
The Cure (1913)
The Cure (1917)
The Cure (1924)
Cured (1911)
A Cure for Laziness (1911)
A Cure for Pokeritis (1912)
A Cure for Suffragettes (1913)
The Cure That Failed (1913)
The Curfew Bell (1909)
Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight (1922)
Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight (1906)
Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight (1907)
Curing Father (1915)
Curing Mr. Goodheart (1914)
Curiosity (1911)
Curiosity (1915)
[A Curious Discovery] (1905)
A Curious Dream (1907)
Curlew Corliss (1916)
Curlytop (1924)
Current Events (1911)
Curro Vargas (1923)
Cursed Be War (1913)
Cursed by His Beauty (1914)
The Curse of Cocaine (1909)
[The Curse of Drink] (1908)
The Curse of Drink (1922)
The Curse of Iku (1918)
The Curse of Quon Gwon: When the Far East Mingles with the West (1916)
The Curse of the Desert (1915)
The Curse of the Great Southwest (1913)
The Curse of the Redman (1911)
The Curse of White Slavery (1914)
Curses (1925)
Curses! They Remarked (1914)
The Curtain Pole (1909)
The Custard Cup (1923)
Custard Pies (1929)
Custard’s Last Stand (1921)
Custard’s Last Stand (1927)
Custer’s Last Fight (1912)
Custer’s Last Fight (1925)
The Customary Two Weeks (1917)
Cut It Out (1925)
Cutting Beef (1901)
Cutting Sugar Cane, Honolulu (1901)
The Cycle of Fate (1916)
[The Cyclist’s Last Leap] (191?)
The Cyclone (1920)
Cyclone Bliss (1921)
The Cyclone Cavalier (1925)
The Cyclone Cowboy (1927)
Cyclone Pete’s Matrimony (1910)
The Cyclone Rider (1924)
Cymbeline (1913)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1900)
Cyrano de Bergerac (191?)
Cyrano et d’Assoucy (1911)
Cytherea (1924)
Cy Whittaker’s Ward (1917)
[The Czarina] (191?)
Czarna ksiazka (1918)
[The Czar of Russia in Paris] (1897)
[The Czar’s Arrival in Paris] (189?)
Czerwony Błazen (1926)
Czlowiek o Blekitnej Duszy (192?)
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Cat and the Canary Standard BD

Capra at Columbia UHD/BD

Little Rascals Vol 1 BD

Charley Chase 1927 BD

L&H Year 2 BD

Seven Chances/Sherlock Jr BD

Caligari UHD

Pandora's Box BD

The Bat BD

Billy Bevan BD

Feuillade Box BD

Dragon Painter BD

Pandora's Box BD

L&H Silent Years BD

Annie Laurie BD

Pace That Kills BD

The Craving BD

Carmen BD

Anna Boleyn BD

Vitagraph BD

Seven Footprints BD

Black Pirate BD

Our Hospitality BD

Our Hospitality DVD

Sherlock Jr BD

Chaplin at Keystone DVD

Metropolis DVD

Georges Méliès DVD

La Roue DVD