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Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

‘N’ Listings

Please note that this is a database of information on films produced in the silent era of world cinema. This is not a listing of available exhibition prints or home video products, since we currently do not rent or sell either.

Updated 3 May 2024
Naar Djævle er paa Spil (1909)
Nabbed (1915)
Nach dem Gesetz (1919)
Nächte des Grauens (1917)
Nach zwanzig Jahren (1918)
Nad Ranem (1929)
Den nærsynede guvernante (1909)
Nailing on the Lid (1916)
Naked Hearts (1916)
The Naked Man (1923)
Na Krasnom Fronte (1920)
Nameless Men (1928)
Name the Man (1924)
Namus (1926)
Nana (1926)
Nancy; or, The Burglar’s Daughter (1908)
Nancy Comes Home (1918)
Nancy from Nowhere (1922)
Nani ga kanojo o sô saseta ka (1930)
Nan of Music Mountain (1917)
Nan of the North (1922)
Nanook of the North (1922)
Nan Wild (1927)
Napoléon (1912)
Napoléon (191?)
Napoleon (1920)
Napoléon (1927)
Napoleon and Josephine (1924)
Napoleon and the English Sailor (1908)
Napoleon at Saint Helena (1911)
Napoleon auf St. Helena (1929)
Napoléon, Bébé el les cosaques (1912)
Napoleone, epopea napoleonica (1914)
Napoleon-gaz (1925)
Napoleon, Jr. (1926)
Napoleon Not So Great (1923)
Napoleon og hans lille Trompetist (1910)
Napoleon’s Barber (1928)
Napoleon und die kleine Wäscherin (1920)
Napoli che canta (1926)
När kärleken dödar (1913)
När konstnärer älska (1914)
Narkose (1929)
När larmklockan ljuder (1913)
Når nøden er størst (191?)
Narodziny i zycie gazety (1930)
A Narrow Escape (1898)
A Narrow Escape on the B&O Railroad (189?)
The Narrow Path (1916)
The Narrow Road (1912)
The Narrow Trail (1917)
Narrow Valley (1921)
När svärmor regerar (1914)
Nasanu naka (1932)
Nasuna koi (1923)
Il Natale di Cretinetti (1909)
Nathan der Weise (1922)
Nathan Hale (1913)
National Nuts (1916)
National Red Cross Pageant (1917)
The Nation’s Peril (1915)
[Native American Life] (1929)
Native Industries of Java (1913)
Native Women Coaling a Ship at St. Thomas, D.W.I. (1903)
Native Women Washing a Negro Baby in Nassau, B.I. (1903)
Native Women Washing Clothes at St. Vincent, B.W.I. (1903)
La nativité (1910)
Nat Pinkerton I (1909)
Nat Pinkerton II (1909)
[Nat Pinkerton 7] (1911)
[Nat Pinkerton 8] (1911)
[Nat Pinkerton 15] (1912)
[Nat Pinkerton 17] (1912)
Nat Pinkerton contre Nat Pinkerton (1914)
Nat Pinkerton contre Pégomas (1914)
Nat Pinkerton contre tous (1912)
Nat Pinkerton, Jimmy le chauffeur (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, La bande des habits noirs (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, L’affaire d’Excelsior Park (1912)
Nat Pinkerton, La maison de l’effroi (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, L’auberge sanglante (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Le buvard révélateur (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Le masque de cire (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Le mystère du coffre-fort (1912)
Nat Pinkerton, Le mystère du train de sept heures (1912)
Nat Pinkerton, L’énigme de la villa des Saules (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Les cavaliers noirs (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Les cent mille dollars de la banque Norton (1912)
Nat Pinkerton, Les perceurs de murailles (1911)
Nat Pinkerton, Les rats d’hôtel (1911)
Natten før Christians Fødselsdag (1908)
A Natural Born Gambler (1916)
A Natural Mistake (1914)
The Nature Girl (1918)
The Nature Man; or, A Struggle for Existence (1915)
The Nature of the Beast (1919)
Naughty (1927)
Naughty Baby (1928)
Naughty Boy (1927)
Naughty But Nice (1927)
Naughty Lions and Wild Men (1920)
The Naulahka (1918)
Navaho (1907)
[Naval Base at Portsmouth] (1898)
[The Naval Review] (1897)
Naval Review (1911)
The Naval Treaty (1922)
La Nave (1921)
The Navigator (1924)
Navy Blue Days (1925)
Navy Blues (1929)
Neal of the Navy (1915)
Near Dublin (1924)
Nearer My God to Thee (1917)
The Near Lady (1923)
Nearly a Burglar’s Bride (1914)
Nearly a King (1916)
Nearly Married (1917)
Nearly Spliced (1921)
A Near-Sighted ’Cyclist (1916)
Near to Earth (1913)
A Near Tragedy (1912)
’Neath Austral Skies (1913)
[A Neat Trick] (1911)
The Necessary Evil (1925)
The Necklace (1909)
A Necklace of Crushed Rose Leaves (1912)
The Necklace of Rameses (1914)
Neck ’n’ Neck (1928)
Nedbrudte nierver (1923)
Ned med Vaabnene! (1914)
The Need of Money (1915)
The Ne’er-Do-Well (1916)
The Ne’er Do Well (1923)
The Neglected Wife (1917)
Negocio al Agua (1913)
Negres Aschantis: Danse du sabre II (189?)
Le nègre blanc (1912)
Negro Lovers (19??)
Negro Minstrels Dancing in the London Streets (189?)
Negro Soldiers Fighting for Uncle Sam (1918)
The Negro’s Revenge (1906)
Neighbors (1912)
Neighbors (1918)
Neighbors (1920)
The Neighbor’s Kids (1909)
Nell Gwyn (1926)
Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model (1924)
Nellie, the Beautiful Housemaid (1908)
Nell’s Eugenic Wedding (1914)
Nell’s Last Deal (1911)
Nell’s Strategy (1915)
Nel paese dell’oro (1914)
Nelson (1918)
Nelson-Britt Prize Fight (1905)
Nelson-Britt Prize Fight for Lightweight Championship, San Francisco, September 9th, 1905 (1905)
Nelson-Gans Fight Pictures (1908)
Nelson-McGovern Fight (1906)
Nelson’s Victory (1907)
Nelson-Wolgast Fight (1910)
Nemye svideteli (1914)
Nène (1924)
Neobychainye prikliucheniia mistera Vesta v strane bolshevikov (1924)
Neptune’s Daughter (1914)
Nero (1922)
Nerone (1909)
Nerone e Agrippina (1912)
Nerven (1919)
Nerve Tonic (1924)
Nervo and Knox (1926)
The Nervous Wreck (1926)
Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride (1904)
The Nest (1927)
A Nest Unfeathered (1914)
The Net (1916)
Nettoyage par le vide (1907)
Der Neue Schreibtisch (1913)
La neuvaine (1914)
Nevada (1927)
Never Again (1908)
Never Again (1909)
Never Again (1910)
Never Again! (1910)
Never Again (1912)
Never Again (1912)
Never Again (1913)
Never Again (1914)
Never Again (1915)
Never Again (1915)
Never Again (1915)
Never Again (1916)
Never Again (1917)
Never Again (1920)
Never Again (1924)
Never Again (1926)
[Never Kiss the Maid] (191?)
Never Known to Smile (1913)
Never Say Die (1924)
Never Shrink (1914)
Never the Dames Shall Meet (1927)
Never the Twain Shall Meet (1925)
Never Touched Me (1919)
Never Weaken (1921)
[Newark Athlete] (1891)
[Newark Fire Department in Action] (1896)
The New Baby (1912)
The New Baby (1913)
New Barbershop (1894)
New Bar Room (1894)
A New Beginning (1912)
New Black Diamond Express (1900)
New Blacksmith Shop (1894)
New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge, No. 1 (1899)
New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge, No. 2 (1899)
New Brooms (1925)
The New Butler (1914)
The New Champion (1925)
The New Clerk (1912)
The New Commandment (1925)
The New Conductor (1913)
The New Cook (1911)
The New Cook (1911)
The New Cook (1911)
The New Disciple (1921)
The New Dress (1911)
The New Editor (1911)
A New Electrical Discovery and Its Uses (1908)
A New England Idyll (1914)
The Newer Woman (1914)
The New Exploits of Elaine (1915)
The New Fire Chief (1912)
New Generation (192?)
The New Halfback (1929)
The New Houseman’s Dream (1908)
The New Janitor (1914)
The New Klondike (1926)
New Lives for Old (1925)
New Love for Old (1918)
The Newly Born (1910)
The Newlyweds (1910)
The Newlyweds' Christmas Party (1927)
The New Magdalen (1914)
The New Manager (1911)
The New Medicine Man (1914)
The New Model (191?)
The New Moon (1919)
The New Neighbor (1912)
The New Paris Lido Club Band (1928)
The New Patient (1926)
The New Policeman (1909)
The New Private Secretary (1913)
New Ralgia (1920)
The New Reporter (1914)
The New Road’s Mascot (1914)
The Newsboy (1905)
The New School Teacher (1924)
The New Sheriff (1924)
New South Wales Horse Artillery in Action (1896)
A Newspaper Reporter’s Romance (192?)
The New Stenographer (1911)
The New Superintendent (1911)
The New Teacher (1922)
New Toys (1925)
A New Trick (1909)
New Version of Personal (1904)
New Year’s Eve (1929)
New York (1915)
New York (1927)
New York: arrivée d’un train à Battery Place (1896)
New York, Broadway et Union Square (1896)
New York City (1922)
New York City Dumping Wharf (1903)
New York City “Ghetto” Fish Market (1903)
New York City in a Blizzard (1902)
[New York City Streets and People] (192?)
A New York Girl (1914)
The New York Hat (1912)
The New York Idea (1920)
New York Nights (1929)
New York’s Fire Fighters (19??)
New York to Brooklyn Over Brooklyn Bridge (1899)
New York, Whitehall Street (189?)
The N.Y. “World” Sick Baby Fund (1896)
Next! (1903)
Next Aisle Over (1919)
The Next Corner (1924)
The Next Generation (1913)
The Next in Command (1914)
[Niagara Falls] (1895)
Niagara Falls (1915)
Niagara Falls (1915)
Niagara Falls (1926)
Niagara Falls Gorge (1896)
A Niagara Honeymoon (1912)
Niagara, les chutes (1896)
Niagara on the Lake, M.C.R.R. (190?)
Die Nibelungen (1924)
Nice and Friendly (1922)
Nice People (1922)
Nichiyôbi (1924)
Nicholas Nickleby (1912)
[Nicholas Sisters Split Dance] (1895)
Nick Carter, le roi des détectives (1908-1909)
The Nickel-Hopper (1926)
The Nickel Snatcher (1920)
The Nick of Time Baby (1917)
A Nick-of-Time Hero (1921)
Niewolnica Zmyslów (1914)
Nifty Numbers (1928)
The Niggard (1914)
The Nigger (1915)
A Nigger in the Woodpile (1904)
The Night Before Christmas (1906)
The Night Before Christmas (1912)
The Night Bird (1928)
The Night Club (1925)
The Night Club (1929)
The Night Court (1927)
The Night Cry (1926)
The Night Flyer (1928)
The Night Horsemen (1921)
A Night in Dreamland (1907)
The Nightingale (1914)
A Night in the Show (1915)
Night Life (1927)
Night Life in Hollywood (1922)
Night Life of New York (1925)
The Night Message (1924)
A Night of Anguish (1913)
The Night of Love (1927)
A Night of Thrills (1914)
A Night Out (1914)
A Night Out (1915)
A Night Out and a Day In (1920)
Night Parade (1929)
The Night Patrol (1926)
Night Riders (1908)
The Night Riders (1922)
The Night Riders of Petersham (1914)
The Night Rose (1921)
The Night Ship (1925)
[A Night Through Icebergs] (191?)
The Night Watch (1928)
The Nihilist (1913)
The Nihilists (1905)
[The Nihilist’s Daughter] (1913)
Nile Hippopotamus (1912)
Nina o’ the Theatre (1914)
9 3-5 Seconds (1925)
The Nine Lives of a Cat (1907)
A Nine O’Clock Town (1918)
Nineteen and Phyllis (1921)
1915 World’s Championship Series (1915)
[1905 World Series] (1905)
1913 World’s Series Base Ball Games, Giants vs. Athletics (1913)
1910 Aviation at Los Angeles (1910)
1928 Olympics (1928)
The Ninety and Nine (1922)
90 Degrees South (1914)
Ningenku (1923)
Ni-nin Dojoji (1899)
9th Infantry Boys’ Morning Wash (1898)
96ème de ligne en marche (1896)
Niobe (1915)
Nionga (1925)
Nip and Tuck (1923)
Nipper and the Curate (1916)
Nipper’s Busy Bee Time (1916)
Nipper’s Busy Holiday (1915)
Nischni Novgorod (1908)
Nju (1924)
Noah’s Ark (1908)
Noah’s Ark (1928)
Noah’s Lark (1929)
Nobby and the Pearl Mystery (1913)
Nobby the New Waiter (1913)
The Noble Bachelor (1921)
Nobleza gaucha (1915)
Nobody (1921)
[Nobody] (1921)
Nobody Home (1919)
Nobody’s Boy (1913)
Nobody’s Bride (1923)
Nobody’s Business (1926)
Nobody’s Fool (1921)
Nobody’s Home (1915)
Nobody’s Kid (1921)
Nobody’s Money (1923)
Nobody’s Widow (1927)
Nobody’s Wife (1918)
Nobody, the Female Detective (1913)
Nobody Works Like Father (1906)
Noce en goguette (1906)
Les noces d’argent (1915)
Les noces Siciliennes (1912)
Noch’ pered rozhdestvom (1913)
No Control (1927)
Le nocturne (1919)
No Defense (1921)
No Defense (1929)
Le Noël de Francesca (1912)
Le Noël du poilu (1915)
No Eyes Today (1929)
No Father to Guide Him (1925)
Nogent, Eldorado du Dimanche (1929)
Nogisune Sanji (1930)
No Good for Anything (1908)
The No-Good Guy (1916)
The No-Gun Man (1924)
Noise Annoys Ko-Ko (1929)
A Noise from the Deep (1913)
A Noise in Newboro (1923)
The Noise of Bombs (1914)
Noisy Naggers and Nosey Neighbors (1917)
Noisy Neighbors (1929)
Noisy Noises (1929)
The Noisy Suitors (1913)
No Loafing (1923)
[No Longer Children] (19??)
No Luck (1922)
No Luck (1923)
Nomads of the North (1920)
No Man’s Gold (1926)
No Man’s Land (1918)
No Man’s Law (1925)
No Man’s Law (1927)
No Man’s Woman (1921)
[Nome, Alaska] (1900)
No More Dough (192?)
No More Women! (1924)
No Mother to Guide Her (1923)
No Mother to Guide Him (1919)
None But the Brave (1928)
None So Blind (1923)
No Noise (1923)
The Non-Skid Kid (1922)
The Non-Stop Flight (1926)
The Non-Stop Fright (1927)
The Non Stop Kid (1918)
No One to Guide Him (1915)
Noon Mag the Hag (1925)
The Noon Whistle (1923)
The Noose (1928)
No Other Woman (1928)
No Place for Father (1913)
No Place Like Jail (1918)
No Place to Go (1927)
No Publicity (1927)
Norah Blaney (1927)
Norah Mayer the Quick Change Dancer (1898)
Norakuro nitohei (1935)
Norrtullsligan (1923)
Northern Hearts (1913)
North of Alaska (1924)
North of ’49 (1929)
North of Hudson Bay (1923)
North of Nome (1925)
North of the Rio Grande (1922)
North of 36 (1924)
North Star (1925)
The North Wind’s Malice (1920)
The Norwood Builder (1922)
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
The Note in the Shoe (1909)
Not for Publication (1927)
Not for Sale (1924)
Not Guilty (1915)
Not Guilty (1921)
Nothing But Money (1910)
Nothing But the Truth (1929)
Nothing But Trouble (1918)
Nothing Else Matters (1920)
Nothing Matters (1926)
Not My Sister (1916)
Notoriety (1922)
The Notorious Lady (1927)
The Notorious Mrs. Carrick (1924)
Notre-Dame de Paris (1911)
Notre pauvre coeur (1916)
No Trespassing (1922)
Not So Bad as It Seemed (1910)
Not So Long Ago (1925)
Una notte a Calcutta (1918)
La notte che dormii sotto le stelle (1918)
Not Wanted (1924)
Les Nouveaux messieurs (1928)
La nouvelle aurore (1919)
La nouvelle mission de Judex (1917)
A Novel Way of Catching a Burglar (1904)
[November] (1921)
The Novice (1911)
Novyi Vavilon (1929)
No Wedding Bells (1923)
Now I’ll Tell One (1927)
No Woman Knows (1921)
Now or Never (1921)
Now We’re in the Air (1927)
Now You’re Talking (1927)
Now You Tell One (1926)
The Nth Commandment (191?)
The Nth Commandment (1923)
A Nugget in the Rough (1917)
Nugget Jim’s Pardner (1916)
Nugget Nell (1919)
Nugget Nell’s Ward (1914)
Une nuit agitée (1908)
Les nuits électriques (1928)
Une nuit terrible (1896)
Number, Please? (1920)
Number 16 Martin Place (1916)
Nummisuutarit (1923)
The Nurse (1912)
Nurse Cavell (1916)
The Nursemaid’s Surprise (1898)
Nurse Marjorie (1920)
Nursery Favorites (1913)
Nursing a Viper (1909)
Nursing the Baby (1897)
The Nut (1921)
The Nut-Cracker (1926)
Nutcracker Suite (1925)
Nuts in May (1917)
Den nye Huslærer (1910)
Den nye Huslærer (1914)
En ny hat til Madammen (1906)
A Nymph of the Foothills (1918)
Et nyt Tyverialarmeringsapparat (1909)
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