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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Virginia Bradford
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Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Photograph: Silent Era image collection.

Virginia Bradford
[?] (same as Jennifer Dryden)?

Born 7 November 1899 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, as Ada Virginia Estes.
Died 30 October 1995 in Indiana, USA.

Married Frederick Minter; divorced; one child.
Married Joseph Petrie Lyons; divorced; one child.
Married writer Cedric Belfrage, 1928; [?] divorced? 1930.
Married Thomas Prentice, 18 November 1935; divorced.

Virginia Bradford briefly worked in motion pictures in 15 known films for Famous Players-Lasky Corporation (1923), Universal Pictures Corporation (1925-1926), Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Corporation (1926), Monty Banks Enterprises (1926), Fox Film Corporation (1927), DeMille Pictures Corporation (1927-1928), Samuel Goldwyn, Incorporated (1928), Pathé Exchange, Incorporated (1928), and Robertson-Cole Pictures Corporation (1929). Virginia was noted in the February 1928 issue of Photoplay Magazine as having given one of the Best Performances of the Month for her work in The Wreck of the Hesperus (1927).

References: MotionPicture-192812 pp. 59, 87, 95; Photoplay-192802 p. 53 : Website-IMDb.

Article : Virginia’s Real by Cedric Belfrage
[Photoplay, January 1928, page 6] Samuel Goldwyn borrows Virginia Bradford from Cecil B. De Mille. She will play in “Leatherface,” supporting Vilma Banky and Ronald Colman.

[Photoplay, April 1928, page 44] Now comes wind of another romance. Myrna Kennedy, Charlie Chaplin’s new leading lady, and James Hall are going around Hollywood’s “places to go” together. Oh, Yes, also Virginia Bradford and Frank Marion, who are rising to fame together on the De Mille lot in Culver City. Interesting, how these youngsters hang together.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Virginia Bradford
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