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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Composers and Musicians  >  Eric Beheim
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Eric Beheim

Eric Beheim leads a multifaceted career as a professional musician and informational video producer. An avid fan of films from the silent era, his interest in silent film music dates back to the 1960s. Over the years, he has collected original cue sheets, piano scores, and orchestra parts for the incidental mood music originally used for scoring silent films.

In 1988, he formed The San Diego Cine-Phonic Orchestra, a small professional ensemble which specialized in accompanying silent films in live performance. His silent film scores have been performed by major symphony orchestras both in the United States and Canada. Working in collaboration with David Shepard’s Film Preservation Associates, he has compiled and arranged authentic film scores for video releases of such landmark films as The Indian Tomb (1921), The Sheik (1921), The Strong Man (1926), Robin Hood (1922), and The Cat and the Canary (1927).

References: Eric Beheim.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Composers and Musicians  >  Eric Beheim
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