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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Composers and Musicians  >  Timothy Brock
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Timothy Brock

Born 1963.

Timothy Brock lives in Olympia, Washington, and has composed numerous symphonies, concertos and film scores. Brock has served as the conductor and music director of The Olympia Chamber Orchestra since 1989. He has composed several fine music scores for silent era films including Sunrise, Nanook of the North, Feu Mathias Pascal, Storm Over Asia, The Last Laugh, The Love of Jeanne Ney, Faust, Berlin: Symphony of a Great City and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

Several of Brock’s works have been released on compact disc by K Records, Olympia, Washington.

Website : Timothy Brock

Webpage : A Conversation with Timothy Brock by Donald Sosin

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Composers and Musicians  >  Timothy Brock
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