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Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
French Films
of the Silent Era
on Home Video
coverL’Âge du coeur (1906)
The Agony of Jerusalem (1927)
Aladin ou la lampe merveilleuse (1906)
Alsace (1916)
Anémic cinéma (1926)
À propos de Nice (1930)
L’Argent (1928)
L’Assomoir (1908)
L’Atlantide [Queen of Atlantis] (1921)
Au secours! (1924)
Les aventures de Robert Macaire (1925)
Le ballet mécanique (1924)
La barricade (1907)
Au bonheur des dames (1930)
Le Brasier ardent [The Burning Crucible] (1923)
Brumes d’automne (1928)
Captain Fracasse (1929)
Carrot Top (1925)
Casanova (1927)
Catherine (1924)
The Chess Player (1927)
Le Chevalier du Maison Rouge (1914)
Un chien Andalou (1929)
Les chiens et ses services (1908)
Les chiens savants (1902)
La Chute de la maison Usher (1928)
La Cigarette (1919)
La Coquille et le clergyman (1928)
Cœur fidèle (1923)
Crainquebille (1923)
The Crazy Ray (1923)
La Crinoline (1906)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1923)
The Divine Voyage (1928)
El Dorado (1921)
Le Double amour (1925)
Drame passionnel (1906)x
L’enfant de Paris (1913)
Entr’acte (1924)
Faces of Children (1925)
The Fall of the House of Usher (1928)
Fantômas (1913)
Le Fantôme du Moulin-Rouge (1925)
La Femme du lutteur (1906)
Feu Mathias Pascal [The Late Mathias Pascal] (1926)
La Fille du sonneur (1906)
Finis terræ (1929)
La Folie du Docteur Tube (1915)
Germinal (1913)
La Glace à trois faces (1927)
L’hirondelle et la mésange [The Swallow and the Titmouse] (1920)
Une Histoire roulante (1906)
L’Homme du large (1920)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1911)
L’inhumaine (1924)
The Italian Straw Hat (1928)
J’Accuse (1919)
Jim le glisseur (1910)
Judex (1916-1917)
Kean (1924)
Le Lion des Mogols (1924)
The Little Match Girl (1928)
The Maelstrom of Paris (1928)
La Maison du mystère [The House of Mystery] (1921-1923)
Maman Colibri (1929)
The Marriage of Mademoiselle Beulemans (1927)
Mauprat (1926)
Ménilmontant (1926)
The Miraculous Life of Teresa of Lisieux (1929)
Monte-Cristo (1929)
Mortelle idylle (1906)
Moscow Clad in Snow (1908)
Mother Hummingbird (1929)
The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower (1927)
Nana (1926)
Napoléon (1927)
A Narrow Escape (1920)
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Pauvre mère (1906)
La photographie électrique à distance (1908)
Poil de Carotte (1924)
Quatre-Vingt-Treize (1921)
La Retour à la Raison (1923)
La Revanche des français devant Verdun (Octobre-Décembre 1916) (1917)
La roue (1922)
Siren of the Tropics (1927)
Six et demi, onze (1928)
Slippery Jim (1910)
Le spectre rouge (1907)
Sur un air de Charleston [Charleston Parade] (1926)
La Terre (1921)
Terreur (1924)
The Three Musketeers [Les trois mousquetaires] (1921)
Tire-au-flanc (1928)
The Torture of Silence [Mater dolorosa] (1917)
Two Timid Souls (1929)
Le Vampires (1915-1916)
Verdun, visions d’histoire (1928)
Le Voyage imaginaire (1926)
Whirlpool of Fate (1925)

Collections and boxsets that include short French silent era films:
Alice Guy Blaché (1906-2019)
Anthology of Surreal Cinema, Volume 1 (1924-1928)
Avant-Garde: Experimental Cinema of the 1920s and '30s (1921-1947)
Avant Garde Short Subjects from France (1915-1928)
Ballerinas in Hell: A Georges Méliès Album (1898-1912)
Cinema Antique: The Stencil Color Collection (1903-1912)
Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s (1925-1930)
Cinema’s First Nasty Women (1898-1926)
The Complete Jean Vigo (1930-1934)
Crazy Cinématographe:
Europäisches Jahrmarktkino 1896-1916
The Comedy of Max Linder (1907-1913)
Discovering Cinema: Learning to Talk &
Movies Dream in Color
Early Women Filmmakers: An International Anthology (1902-1943)
Emile Cohl: L’agitateur aux mille images (1908-1918)
French Masterworks: Russian Emigres in Paris 1923-1928 (1923-1928)
Gaumont Treasures 1897-1913 (1897-1913)
Gaumont Treasures, Volume 2 1908-1916 (1908-1916)
Georges Méliès: Encore (1896-1911)
Georges Méliès: First Wizard of Cinema (1896-1913) (1896-1953)
Jean Epstein (1924-1948)
Jean Epstein: Poèmes Bretons (1929-1948)
Jean Epstein: Première Vague (1926-1928)
Jean Renoir 3-Disc Collector’s Edition (1925-1962)
Kafka Goes to the Movies (1907-1921)
Landmarks of Early Film, Volume 1 (1904-1908)
Laugh with Max Linder (1908-1921)
The Lumière Brothers’ First Films
The Magic of Méliès (1904-1908)
The Max Linder Collection (1917-1922)
Méliès Fairy Tales in Color (1899-1909)
Méliès the Magician (1898-1997)
The Movies Begin (1894-1913)
Pearl White: Queen of the Serials (1914-1924)
Rediscover Jacques Feyder, French Film Master (1921-1925)
Screening the Poor (1888-1914)
Silent Avant-Garde (1921-2022)
Silent Rarities (1911-1928)
A Trip to the Moon (1898-1907)
Wild and Weird: 14 Fascinating and Innovative Films (1902-1965)

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  French Films of the Silent Era on Home Video
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