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Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
D.W. Griffith
Silent Era Films
on Home Video
coverThe Adventures of Billy (1911)
The Adventures of Dollie (1908)
America (1924)
An Arcadian Maid (1910)
As It Is in Life (1910)
At the Altar (1909)
The Avenging Conscience (1914)
The Awakening (1909)
An Awful Moment (1908)
The Baby and the Stork (1912)
Balked at the Altar (1908)
The Battle (1911)
The Battle at Elderbush Gulch (1914)
The Battle of the Sexes (1928)
A Beast at Bay (1912)
Betrayed by a Handprint (1908)
The Birth of a Nation (1915)
Bobby, the Coward (1911)
Broken Blossoms (1919)
The Broken Locket (1909)
Brutality (1912)
Brute Force (1914)
The Burglar’s Dilemma (1912)
A Calamitous Elopement (1908)
The Call to Arms (1910)
The Call of the Wild (1908)
The Cardinal’s Conspiracy (1909)
A Child of the Ghetto (1910)
A Child’s Impulse (1910)
Confidence (1909)
The Cord of Life (1909)
Corner in Wheat (1909)
A Country Cupid (1911)
The Country Doctor (1909)
The Cricket on the Hearth (1909)
The Curtain Pole (1909)
Death’s Marathon (1913)
Dream Street (1921)
Drums of Love (1928)
A Drunkard’s Reformation (1909)
Edgar Allan Poe (1909)
Enoch Arden (1911)
Faithful (1910)
The Fall of Babylon (1919)
Fate’s Turning (1911)
Father Gets in the Game (1908)
The Female of the Species (1912)
A Flash of Light (1910)
Fools of Fate (1909)
For His Son (1912)
Friends (1912)
The Fugitive (1910)
Getting Even (1909)
The Gibson Goddess (1909)
The Girl and Her Trust (1912)
The Girls and Daddy (1909)
The Girl Who Stayed at Home (1919)
The Golden Louis (1909)
The Greatest Question (1919)
Hearts of the World (1918)
Her First Biscuits (1909)
Her Terrible Ordeal (1910)
His Trust (1911)
His Trust Fulfilled (1911)
Home Sweet Home (1914)
The House of Darkness (1913)
The House with Closed Shutters (1910)
The Idol Dancer (1920)
In Life’s Cycle (1910)
In the Border States (1910)
Iola’s Promise (1912)
Isn’t Life Wonderful (1924)
Intolerance (1916)
Jones’ Burglar (1909)
The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals (1909)
Judith of Bethulia (1914)
Lady of the Pavements (1929)
The Last Drop of Water (1911)
Lena and the Geese (1912)
The Lesser Evil (1912)
The Light That Came (1909)
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea (1909)
The Little Darling (1909)
The Little Tease (1913)
The Lonedale Operator (1911)
Lonely Villa (1909)
Love Among the Roses (1910)
The Love Flower (1920)
Lucky Jim (1909)
The Lure of the Gown (1909)
Man’s Genesis (1912)
The Massacre (1914)
The Mended Lute (1909)
The Mender of Nets (1912)
The Message of the Violin (1910)
The Miser’s Heart (1911)
Mr. Jones at the Ball (1908)
Mr. Jones Has a Card Party (1909)
The Modern Prodigal: A Story in Symbolism (1910)
Money Mad (1908)
The Mother and the Law (1919)
The Mothering Heart (1913)
The Mountaineer’s Honor (1909)
Muggsy’s First Sweetheart (1910)
The Musketeers of Pig Alley (1912)
The Narrow Road (1912)
The New York Hat (1912)
“Oh, Uncle” (1909)
The Old Actor (1912)
One Exciting Night (1922)
One is Business, The Other Crime (1912)
Orphans of the Storm (1920)
Over Silent Paths (1910)
The Painted Lady (1912)
Pippa Passes; or, The Song of Conscience (1909)
A Politician’s Love Story (1909)
The Primitive Man (1914)
Ramona (1910)
The Red Man’s View (1909)
The Reformers; or, The Lost Art of Minding One’s Business (1913)
The Renunciation (1909)
Resurrection (1909)
The Rocky Road (1910)
The Romance of a Jewess (1908)
A Romance of Happy Valley (1919)
A Romance of the Western Hills (1910)
The Rose of Kentucky (1911)
Sally of the Sawdust (1925)
The Salvation Army Lass (1909)
Saved from Himself (1911)
Scarlet Days (1919)
The School Teacher and the Waif (1912)
The Sealed Room (1909)
1776; or, The Hessian Renegades (1909)
The Sheriff’s Baby (1913)
So Near, Yet So Far (1912)
Song of the Shirt (1908)
The Son’s Return (1909)
Sorrows of Satan (1926)
The Sorrows of the Unfaithful (1910)
A Strange Meeting (1909)
The Sunbeam (1912)
Sweet and Twenty (1909)
Swords and Hearts (1911)
The Taming of the Shrew (1908)
A Terrible Discovery (1911)
That Chink at Golden Gulch (1910)
Those Awful Hats (1909)
The Transformation of Mike (1912)
A Trap for Santa (1909)
True Heart Susie (1919)
The Unchanging Sea (1910)
An Unseen Enemy (1912)
The Unwelcome Guest (1913)
The Usurer (1910)
The Violin Maker of Cremona (1909)
The Voice of the Violin (1909)
Way Down East (1920)
The Way of Man (1909)
What Drink Did (1909)
What Shall We Do With Our Old? (1911)
What’s Your Hurry? (1909)
What the Daisy Said (1910)
When a Man Loves (1911)
The White Rose (1923)
Wilful Peggy (1910)
The Yaqui Cur (1913)
The Zulu’s Heart (1908)

Collections and boxsets that include silent era D.W. Griffith films:
The Actors: Rare Films of Lillian Gish, Volume 3 (1919-1924)
The Birth of Motion Pictures (1910-1915)
A Christmas Past (1901-1925)
Cinema’s First Nasty Women (1898-1926)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 1 (1908-1909)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 2 (1909)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 3 (1909)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 4 (1909)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 5 (1909-1910)
D.W. Griffith, Director, Volume 6 (1910)
D.W. Griffith: Years of Discovery 1908-1914 (1908-1914)
Florence Lawrence Rare Shorts (1908-1911)
The Great Train Robbery
100th Anniversary Special Edition
Griffith Masterworks (1908-1921)
Griffith Masterworks 2 (1909-1931)
Griffith Masterworks: Biograph Shorts (1908-1914)
The History of Cinema (1915-1927)
The History of Cinema (1915-1927)
Mabel Normand Films (1911-1916)
Mary Pickford Rare Shorts I (1909-1912)
Mary Pickford Rare Shorts II (1912-1913)
Mary Pickford Rare Shorts III (1909-1910)
Mary Pickford Rare Shorts IV (1910-1912)
Rags & Riches Mary Pickford Collection (1910-1926)
Robert Harron Rare Shorts (1911-1914)
Nickelodia, Volume 2 (1909-1915)
Nickelodia, Volume 3 (1908-1916)
The Origins of Film (1900-1927)
Short Comedies (1904-1926)
Shorts of Christmas Past: 8 Holiday Shorts (1901-1915)
Thrills of the Silent Screen (1912-1930)
Treasures III: Social Issues in American Film (1900-1934)
Treasures 5: The West 1898-1938 (1898-1938)
Wild and Weird: 14 Fascinating and Innovative Films (1902-1965)

About D.W. Griffith:
D.W. Griffith: Father of Film (1993)

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L&H Year 2 BD

Caligari UHD

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  D.W. Griffith Silent Era Films on Home Video
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