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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  The Non-Stop Flight
Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

The Non-Stop


coverGrapevine Video
2010 DVD edition

The Non-Stop Flight (1926), black & white, 71 minutes, not rated, with The Non Stop Fright (1927), black & white, ? minutes, not rated.

Grapevine Video, no catalog number, UPC 8-42614-10403-9.
One single-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD-R disc, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 mono sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles, chapter stops; standard DVD keepcase; $14.95.
Release date: August 2010.
Country of origin: USA
This DVD-R edition has likely been mastered from a 16mm reduction print.

The film is likely accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition is available directly from . . .
coverAlpha Video
2019 DVD edition

The Non-Stop Flight (1926), black & white, 69 minutes, not rated.

Alpha Home Entertainment, distributed by,
ALP 8294D, UPC 0-89218-82949-8.
One single-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD-R disc; 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo sound; English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; standard DVD keepcase; $7.98 (raised to $8.98).
Release date: 10 December 2019.
Country of origin: USA
This DVD-R collection has likely been mastered from a 16mm or 8mm reduction print.

The films are likely to be accompanied by a soundtrack of preexisting recordings.

We have not yet viewed this film in this home video edition.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition is available from
ALPHA VIDEO through . . .
Other AVIATION FILMS of the silent era available on home video.
Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  The Non-Stop Flight
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