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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  German Films of the Silent Era on Home Video
Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
German Films
of the Silent Era
on Home Video
coverThe Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926)
Alraune (1928)
The Ancient Law (1923)
Anna Boleyn (1920)
Asphalt (1929)
At the Edge of the World (1927)
Backstairs (1921)
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City (1927)
Der Bettler vom Kölner Dom (1927)
The Big Light (1920)
Die Börsenkönigin (1916)
The Brothers Karamazov (1918)
The Burning Soil (1922)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
Carlos and Elizabeth (1924)
Carmen (1918) [Gypsy Blood]
Cinderella (1922)
The Comeback (1930) [Liebe im Ring]
Crime and Punishment (1923)
A Daughter of Destiny (1928)
Daughter of the Night (1920)
The Death Feigning Chinaman (1928) [Der scheintote Chinese]
The Deerslayer and Chingachgook (1920)
Destiny (1921)
The Devious Path (1928) [Abwege]
Diary of a Lost Girl (1929)
Different from the Others (1919)
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler (1922)
The Doll (1919)
Eerie Tales (1919)
The Eleven Devils (1927)
Das Eskimobaby (1916)
Eyes of the Mummy (1918)
Faust (1926)
Fear (1917)
Four Around the Woman (1921)
Friedrich Schiller (1923)
Der Gang in die Nacht (1920)
Genuine (1920)
The Great Leap (1927)
The Golem (1920)
Hamlet (1921)
The Hands of Orlac (1924)
The Haunted Castle (1921)
Helena. Der Untergang Trojas (1924)
Die Hermannschlacht (1924)
The Holy Mountain (1926)
Homecoming (1928)
Hungarian Rhapsody (1928)
Hurrah! I’m Alive! (1928)
I Don’t Want to Be a Man (1918)
The Indian Tomb (1921)
The Joyless Street (1925)
King of the Center Forwards (1927)
Kohlhiesels Töchter (1920)
Lady Hamilton (1921)
The Last Laugh (1924)
Das Liebes-A.B.C. (1916)
The Love of Jeanne Ney (1927)
Lucrezia Borgia (1922)
Madame Du Barry (1919) [Passion]
Melodie der Welt (1929)
Menschen untereinander (1926)
The Merry Jail (1917) [Das fidele Gefängnis]
Metropolis (1927)
Meyer from Berlin (1919) [Meyer aus Berlin]
Michael (1924)
Miss Evelyne, die Badefee (1929)
Nathan the Wise (1922)
Nerven (1919)
Die Nibelungen (1924)
Nosferatu (1922)
Opium (1919)
Opus I (1921)
Othello (1922)
The Oyster Princess (1919)
Pandora’s Box (1929)
People on Sunday (1929)
Phantom (1922)
The Prince and the Pauper (1920)
Refuge (1928)
Richard Wagner (1913)
Sappho (1921)
Scherben (1921)
Schmutziges Geld (1928)
Secrets of a Soul (1926)
Sex in Chains (1928)
The Ship of Lost Men (1929)
Slums of Berlin (1925)
Song (1928)
The Spiders (1919-1920)
Spies (1928)
The Street (1923)
The Student of Prague (1913)
The Student of Prague (1926)
Die Suffragette (1913)
Sumurun (1920) [One Arabian Night]
Tartuffe (1926)
The Treasure (1923)
The Tunnel (1915)
Die Unehelichen (1926)
Unheimliche Geschichten (1919)
Unter der Laterne (1928)
Varieté (1925)
Vom Reiche der sechs Punkte (1927)
Von morgens bis mitternachts (1921)
Warning Shadows (1923)
Wasted Love (1928)
Waxworks (1924)
Die Weber (1927)
When I Was Dead (1916) [Als ich tot war]
The White Hell of Pitz Palu (1929)
The Wildcat (1921)
The Woman in the Moon (1929)
The Woman One Longs For (1929)
Die Würghand (1920)

Collections and boxsets that include German silent era films:
Crazy Cinématographe:
Europäisches Jahrmarktkino 1896-1916
Discovering Cinema: Learning to Talk &
Movies Dream in Color
Early Murnau: Five Films, 1921-1925 (1921-1926)
Four Films with Asta Nielsen (1913-1916)
Fritz Lang Epic Collection (1924-1929)
Fritz Lang: The Early Works (1919-1921)
Fritz Lang: The Silent Films (1919-1929)
The F.W. Murnau Collection (1922-1931)
German Expressionism Collection (1920-1926)
German Horror Classics (1920-1924)
The History of Cinema (1915-1927)
The History of Cinema (1915-1927)
Kafka Goes to the Movies (1907-1921)
Lotte Reiniger: Shadow Puppets Fairytales, Volume 1 (1922-1957)
Lubitsch in Berlin (1919-1921)
The Masterworks of the German Horror Cinema (1920-1922)
Screening the Poor (1888-1914)
Silent Classics (1920-1927)

About German filmmakers:
Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin (2006)
Fritz Lang: Circle of Destiny (1998)
The Way to Murnau (2003)

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  German Films of the Silent Era on Home Video
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