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Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

‘V’ Listings

Please note that this is a database of information on films produced in the silent era of world cinema. This is not a listing of available exhibition prints or home video products, since we currently do not rent or sell either.

Updated 3 May 2024
Vacation (1924)
Vacation Waves (1928)
The Vagabond (1916)
The Vagabond Cub (1929)
The Vagabond Lover (1929)
The Vagabond Prince (1916)
The Vagabond Queen (1929)
The Vagabond’s Conspiracy (1913)
The Vagabond Trail (1924)
Vainqueur de la Course Pédestre (1909)
Valencia (1926)
The Valentine Girl (1917)
Valentino in England (1923)
The Valet’s Wife; or, The Deceiving Uncle (1908)
The Valiant (1929)
The Valiants of Virginia (1916)
La valise de Barnum (1904)
The Valkyrie (1915)
The Valley of Decision (1916)
The Valley of Doubt (1920)
The Valley of Fear (1916)
The Valley of Hate (1924)
The Valley of Hell (1927)
The Valley of Regrets (1912)
The Valley of Silent Men (1922)
Valley of the Ghosts (1929)
The Valley of the Giants (1919)
The Valley of the Giants (1927)
Valley of the Missing (1922)
The Valley of the Moon (1914)
Vallfarten till Kevlaar (1921)
La valse de la veuve joyeuse (1908)
La Valse renversante (1914)
Vals ur Salstraalen (1911)
Value Received (1912)
The Vamp (1918)
Vamping Venus (1928)
The Vampire (1910)
The Vampire (1913)
The Vampire (1915)
Vampire Ambrose (1916)
Vampire of the Desert (1913)
A Vampire Out of Work (1916)
Les vampires (1915)
The Vampire's Trail (1914)
Vampyrdanserinden (1911)
Vampyren (1913)
Van and Schenck, “The Pennant Winning Battery of Songland” (1927)
Den vanartede Søn (1909)
Vanderbilt Auto Race (1905)
The Vanderbilt Cup Race, Santa Monica, Cal. (1914)
Vanina; oder, Die Galgenhochzeit (1922)
The Vanishing American (1925)
The Vanishing Dagger (1920)
The Vanishing Lady (1897)
The Vanishing Lady (1898)
Vanishing Millions (1926)
The Vanishing Pioneer (1928)
The Vanishing Rider (1928)
Vanishing Trails (1920)
The Vanishing Tribe (1914)
The Vanishing West (1928)
Vanity (1927)
Vanity Fair (1911)
Vanity Fair (1915)
Vanity Fair (1922)
Vanity Fair (1923)
The Vanity Pool (1918)
Vanity’s Price (1924)
The Van Nostrand Tiara (1913)
The Vaquero’s Vow (1908)
Der Var engang (1907)
Der Var engang (1922)
Variété (1925)
Variety (1928)
Det var i maj (1915)
The Varmint (1917)
Värmlänningarna (1909)
Vasco, the Vampire (1914)
Vasha znakomaia (1927)
Vaudeville (1924)
Ved fængslets port (1911)
The Veiled Adventure (1919)
The Veiled Beauty; or, Anticipated and Realization (1907)
The Veiled Mystery (1920)
The Veiled Woman (1922)
Veille d’armes (1925)
La Veine (1928)
Velikii put’ (1927)
Velvet and Rags (1911)
Velvet Fingers (1920-1921)
The Velvet Hand (1918)
Vem dömer? (1922)
Vendémiaire (1918)
Vendetta (1921)
[A Venetian Drama] (190?)
Venezianische Liebesnächte (1912)
Vengeance — and the Woman (1917-1918)
Vengeance Bequeathed (1914)
La vengeance du gâte-sauce (1900)
La vengeance du sergent de ville (1913)
Vengeance is Mine (1913)
Vengeance is Mine! (1916)
Vengeance is Mine (1917)
The Vengeance of Durand; or, The Two Portraits (1913)
The Vengeance of Fate (1912)
The Vengeance of Galora (1913)
Vengeance of the Dead (1917)
Vengeance of the Deep (1923)
Vengeance of the Oppressed (1916)
The Vengeance of the Skystone (1913)
Vengeance of the West (1917)
Vengeance of the Wilds (1915)
[Vengeance; or, The Forester’s Sacrifice] (1910)
Venice in a Gondola (1908)
[Venice, Showing Gondolas] (1895)
Ventriloquist (1927)
The Ventures of Marguerite (1915)
Vénus (1929)
The Venus Model (1918)
Venus of the South Seas (1924)
Venus of Venice (1927)
Vera, the Gypsy Girl (1910)
Verdensgiften (1913)
Verdenssport (1907)
Verdens undergang (1916)
The Verdict (1925)
Verdun, visions d’histoire (1928)
Veritas vincit (1919)
A Vermont Romance (1916)
Die Verräterin (1911)
Verrater Zigarette (1913)
Der Verrufenen (1925)
A Versatile Villain (1915)
Versus Sledge Hammers (1915)
Le Vertige (1926)
[Vertigo] (191?)
Very Confidential (1927)
The Very Idea (1929)
Very Truly Yours (1922)
Veselaia kanareika (1929)
Vesnoj (1929)
Vester-Vov-Vov (1927)
Vesti La Giubba (1926)
Veter (1926)
Via Wireless (1915)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1910)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1912)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1913)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1913)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1916)
The Vicar of Wakefield (1917)
The Vicar of Wakefield (191?)
Vic Dyson Pays (1925)
Vice Versa (1916)
The Victim (1915)
The Victim (1916)
Les victimes de l’alcoolisme (1902)
Victimes de l’alcoolisme (1911)
A Victim of Circumstances (1911)
A Victim of Jealousy (1910)
[A Victim of Mormons] (1911)
A Victim of Sin (1913)
Victims of Fate (1910)
Victims of Speed (1914)
The Victor (1923)
The Victoria Cross (1912)
The Victoria Cross (1916)
The Victoria Girls in Their Famous Dancing Medley (1928)
Victorian Lady in Her Boudoir (1896)
Victorina (1915)
Victory (1913)
Victory (1919)
Victory Bond (1918)
The Victory Leaders (1919)
[Victory of Death] (191?)
Viddenes folk (1928)
Vidundercigaren (1909)
Den vidunderlige Haarelixir (1909)
La vie de Polichinelle (1905)
La vie du Christ (1906)
La vie et la passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1906)
La vie et la passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (1914)
La vie merveilleuse de Jeanne d’Arc (1929)
La vie ou la mort (1912)
La vierge d’Argos (1911)
La vierge folle (1929)
Die Vier um die Frau (1921)
Une vie sans joie (1924)
Vieux papiers, vieux souvenirs (1911)
View from an Engine Front — Shilla Mill Tunnel (1900)
Viewing Sherman Institute for Indians at Riverside, California (1915)
Views of the Samarang (1913)
The Viking (1928)
Vikingeblod (1907)
The Village Blacksmith (1897)
The Village Blacksmith (1898)
The Village Blacksmith (1913)
The Village Blacksmith (1916)
The Village Blacksmith (1922)
The Village Blacksmith (1922)
Le village de Namo: Panorama pris d’une chaise à porteurs (1900)
Village Fire Brigade (1907)
The Village Hero (1911)
The Village Scandal (1915)
The Village Sleuth (1920)
The Village Vampire (1916)
The Villain (1917)
The Villain Foiled (1911)
The Villain of the Piece (1909)
The Villainous Uncle (1914)
A Villainous Villain (1916)
Villa of the Movies (1917)
Villes saintes du Japon (1913)
Vincennes (1923)
Vincente Ore Passo (1894)
The Vindication (1915)
Vindication (1915)
Vindicta (1923)
Vingarne (1916)
Vingeskundt (1913)
24ème chasseurs alpins: leçon de boxe (1897)
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (1907)
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (191?)
The Vintage of Fate (1912)
Violettes impériales (1924)
Violinistindens Roman (1907)
The Violin Maker (1915)
The Violin Maker of Cremona (1909)
The Violin Maker of Nuremburg (1911)
The Violin of Monsieur (1912)
Les vipères (1911)
The Virgin (1924)
Virginia (1916)
A Virginia Courtship (1921)
A Virginia Feud (1913)
The Virginian (1914)
The Virginian (1923)
The Virginian (1929)
The Virginia Reel (19??)
Virginius (1909)
The Virgin of Seminole (1922)
The Virgin of Stamboul (1920)
A Virgin Paradise (1921)
The Virgin Queen (1923)
A Virgin’s Sacrifice (1922)
Virtue (1915)
Virtue is Its Own Reward (1914)
The Virtue of Rags (1912)
Virtue’s Revolt (1924)
Virtuous Liars (1924)
The Virtuous Model (1919)
Virtuous Sinners (1919)
A Virtuous Vamp (1919)
Virtuous Wives (1918)
Visages d’enfants (1925)
Visages voilés . . . âmes closes (1921)
The Vision (1926)
The Vision Beautiful (1912)
[Vision of Beauty] (192?)
The Vision of the Shepherd (1915)
La visita dell’ Incrociatore Italiano LIBIA a San Francisco, Calif., 6-29 Novembre 1921 (1921)
Visite sous-marine du Maine (1898)
[Visit of King Edward VII to Lismore Castle May 2, 1904] (1904)
A Visit to Peek Freen & Co. (1906)
[A Visit to the Sirens of Neptune] (190?)
A Visit to the Spiritualist (1899)
Vista de Guanabara Baía (1898)
Vita futurista (1916)
A Vitagraph Romance (1912)
Vitrioldrama (1906)
Vittoria o morte! (1913)
Vive la France! (1918)
Vive le sabotage (1907)
Viviette (1918)
The Vivisectionist (1915)
The Vivisectionist (1915)
The Vixen (1916)
La vocation d'Andre Carel (1925)
A Voice from the Deep (1912)
A Voice from the Fireplace (1910)
The Voice from the Minaret (1923)
The Voice from the Screen (1926)
A Voice in the Dark (1921)
The Voice in the Fog (1915)
The Voice of Conscience (1912)
The Voice of Conscience (1912)
The Voice of Destiny (1918)
The Voice of Hollywood (1929)
The Voice of Hollywood (1929)
The Voice of Hollywood (1929)
The Voice of Hollywood (1929)
The Voice of Love (1916)
The Voice of the Child (1911)
The Voice of the City (1929)
The Voice of the Millions (1912)
The Voice of the Telephone (1914)
The Voice of the Violin (1909)
The Voice of the Violin (1915)
The Voice of the World (192?)
The Voice on the Wire (1917)
Voices Across the Sea (1928)
La voix du rossignol (1923)
Le voleur (1915)
Le voleur mondain (1909)
Voleurs de bijoux mystifiés (1906)
Les voleuses volées (1906)
The Volga Boatman (1926)
Volga Boatman, Jr. (19??)
The Volga Boatmen (1926)
La voltige (1895)
The Volunteer (1917)
Vom Schicksal erdrosselt (1919)
Von morgens bis mitternachts (1920)
Vor fælles Ven (1921)
Vormittagsspuk (1928)
The Vortex (1928)
Votes for Women (1912)
Votes for Women (1913)
Vous verrez la semaine prochaine (1929)
[The Vow of Hatred] (1914)
The Vow of Vengeance (1923)
The Vow of Ysobel (1912)
Le voyage à travers l’Impossible (1904)
Voyage au Congo (1927)
Le voyage dans la lune (1902)
Le voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géants (1902)
Le voyage de la famille Bourrichon (1913)
Le voyage du Président Félix Faure en Russie (Août 1897): Entrée du Président Félix Faure à Saint-Pétersbourg (1897)
Le voyage du Président Félix Faure en Russie (Août 1897): Inauguration du pont Troïzky (1897)
Le voyage du Président Félix Faure en Russie (Août 1897): L’impératrice descend l’escalier rouge du palais de Saint-Pétersbourg, accompagnée des dames d’honneur et suivie de tous les princes et grands ducs de la cour impériale (1897)
Le voyage imaginaire (1926)
Voyage of the “Arctic”; or, How Captain Kettle Discovered the North Pole (1903)
Voyage oriental (1908)
[Voyage Original] (1908)
La voyante (1924)
V.R.C. Derby (1897)
V.R.C. Winter Meeting (1898)
Vue prise d’une baleiniere en marche (1900)
Vue prise d’une plate-forme mobile, II (1900)
The Vulture (1915)
Vulture of the West (1920)
Vultures of Society (1916)
Vultures of the Sea (1928)
Vystavní Párkar a Lepic Plakátu (1898)
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